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2200 prints suddenly green cast

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My 2200 has always printed dark, compared to my calibrated monitor. A couple of days ago, I smelled

something burning from the printer. Now all my prints come out with a clear green color cast. Anyone

have any experience with a problem like this?


Thanks for any feedback.



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Thanks for the response. Yes, I've run nozzle check and head cleaning twice, just to be

safe. Still the same green cast to everything. Doesn't show up so much in the blues,

mostly in the warmer colors. Green is very green, however.

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Dave - Have you checked the Epson software to make sure of all the settings? Check both the opening page and the advanced page. BTW in the advanced page under brightness is where you can adjust the printer to your calibrated monitor.


You've probably already checked this but, are you printing on the correct side of the paper?


One last thing - you can remove the excess green by increasing magenta - do this also on the advanced page.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If they're green I'd suspect a problem with one or both magenta cartridges. Many times it takes multiple cleaning cycles - and sometimes replacing the cartridge(s) entirely - to get it humming along again. Good luck!
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A burning smell indicates that something in your printer overheated and caused the problem you're describing. Chances are it are not the ink cartridges, although it is possible. A failing nozzle check may not have anything to do with the cartridges, but with the electical/electronic circuitry in the printer itself. Do a cleaning cycle if nozzles are missing and if that doesn't solve the problem, replace the cartridge involved; if that doesn't make the problem go away it is more than likely the printer itself and you are looking at repair or replacement.
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