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How to disassemble a collapsible Elmar 90?

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Hi all,


I have a collapsible Elmar 90 with a circular haze pattern. Performance is average even stopped down and

would like to clean it. I have not found a place to habe it CLA'd cheaply where I live. A friend of mine who

has already cleaned lenses offered to do the job, but did not dare to disassemble the lens not to damage

it. Is there a service manual or something similar?

Many thanks.



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Has your friend ever cleaned a Leica lens of the "soft internal coatings" era? It's very different from cleaning a hard-coated lens element. I've messed up a Summicron 50/2 trying to do it. You have to use the right solvents, and essentially zero pressure.


The circular haze pattern may be the result of someone trying to do it the wrong way in the past.


DAG or Sherry Krauter should be able to do this for under $100, if it isn't already hopeless.

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Is it the 50's collapsible Elmar? It is relatively easy to dismantle, like most Leica lenses of the period. You can unscrew the head from the extension barrel. Undo the lockscrew first. Everything counterclockwise as usual.

Then you can take the rear lens group out with dedicated lens pliers. The ones that can screw two points at the same time. That way you can get to all lens groups. You will find the surfaces next to the aperture will have the most hazing.

Be careful not to scratch the surfaces while cleaning them.


good luck, Rob.

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thanks for the answer. I do not know, but I think he has already repaired old Zeiss and

Voigtlaender lenses. The main problem is that I live in Europe and shipping is probably

expensive. I did not want to pay more than 50-100$ for the cleaning, since I am not sure

performance will improve and have not used much the FL either.




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