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Cheap E6 mail-order lab for 5x7


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I am looking for a decent mail-order

lab which can process 5x7 transparencies inexpensively.




My local lab charges me $4 for a 5x7 sheet ($4.75 pushed/pulled).

I have seen Fleshtone Miami 800-625-4202

advertise $2.5 for a 8x10 sheet, and would have given them a

try, unfortunately they don't have 5x7 racks. I have not been

that satisfied recently with Flatiron color lab.




Any suggestions ? It can be constly coming back from a trip

with several dozens of transparencies...

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This brings up a question that I have. I started doing my MF myself,

and I have been doing the few LF E-6 that I have. I'm not a color guy

but I have been very pleased and it seems to be very inexpensive(yes

it takes some time but I usually find something to do while waiting).

The results seem to be very good. And I think it's one of the more

enjoyable processes (I'm always amazed!)and the chemicals seem to

have a fair shelf life, and the process is real easy, with minimal

equipment(most of it already in the average Darkroom). But I don't

hear of to many people trying it. What am I missing?

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I have done it for some time [wow, we are talking decades now, I am

getting old; it seems just yesterday that I had to coat my own plates

in the tent and watch out for the Indian attack]. It is easy to do. It

just depends on the time required. If your time doing other things is

more valuable; pay someone else to do it. If not, you can do it





Best wishes,,,,

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You might try Prolab in Seattle. I dont know if they do 5x7 but

they've done my 4x5's for years and I've rarely had a problem, and

their prices are better than most.




As for why more people dont do it at home....I used to do it about

10-12 years ago and I found it nearly impossible to maintain the

strict temp control that is necessary. Plus, after an hour or more of

setup, processing and cleanup, all I had to show for it was 6

trannies! Not worth it, IMO, as long as there are labs that do a good

job for a good price. Not that it cant be done at home with good

equip, but I think those are the reasons more people dont do it, plus

some of the chemicals are nasty.

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Theres another place in Seattle too, that also does LF but again I

dont know about 5x7. I also dont know how to spell their name, but

I've heard it pronounced: I-vee-see-right




They cost slightly less than Prolab, too, but I've never used them

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I too have been searching for a good 5x7 E-6 lab since I can't find a

decent one in Salt Lake. I believe my search has ended with a lab

called Edgar Praus Productions. They are out of Rochester, New York

and do not charge for shipping for orders over $30 and only $5 for

anything less. Most of the places I contacted charge up to $10+ for

shipping. You can also set up an account with them. They charge

$3.00 per 5x7 sheet. Their Web site is "www.4photolab.com." They can

also send you a catalog of services. Their phone number is (716)


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  • 1 year later...

Hi, this response is from the owner of Flatiron . I am sorry you

have been disappointed with my service. I do have 5 x 7 racks

and you continue to send me film. I appreciate your business but

if your not happy and you dont tell me what your problem is how

can I help.




Seth Goldman

Flatiron Color Lab

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Since no one else is answering, I will try. I am a current FlatIron customer, and

am reasonably satisfied with the lab. However, I have noticed (and I think this

may be the cause of the orignal post) that the sheet film I send to you for E-6

developing is often bent in weird and often unexplicable ways--sometimes it is

nice and flat, but more oiften then not the film is warped. Once I had a

transparency come back bent. For the time being, I will continue to use

FlatIron, since as you well know, your lab is the cheapest in NYC. However, if I

can find another lab of similar price, but without the danger of ruining film, I

will probably switch.




best regards,

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  • 6 months later...
What gets me about some of these color labs in NYC is the snippy attitude of some of the employees. Some of these guys act as if they are doing you a favor or give you a look that says "Who are you to waste my time?" Lets face it, if you're working behind the desk or in the dark, you're not exactly Bob Christ on location in Seville, Spain, are you?
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