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8x10 lens questions


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I have always understood that 8 X 10 film and holders really measured

8 X 10, and that the diagonal was indeed 325 mm as cited above. (The

math is definitely right to three digits, as I just checked it). All

web sites I've seen which give info on available rise/fall/shift for

different 8 X 10 lenses cite 325 mm as the minimum image circle.

Maybe you're thinking about the fact that there is a very small

incursion onto the film from the edges of the holder, but I believe

the 8 X 10 film I buy, anyway, measures exactly 8 X 10". Certainly

it prints perectly proportionally on 16 X 20 paper. I'd measure if I

had a negative here in front of me.





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I derived the following formulae to calculate the maximum rise with a

VxH (e.g. 4x5, 5x7, 8x10, etc.) negative in the landscape or portrait

orientation. If interested, I can forward a derivation, which would

include a diagram, etc.




Assume that "I" is the image circle, "V" is length of the small side,

and "H" is the length of the long side.




MaxRiseLand = (SQRT(I^2-H^2) - V)/2




MaxRisePort = (SQRT(I^2-V^2) - H)/2




"^2" denotes the square and SQRT denotes the square-root. I believe

these formulae will plug directly into Excel. If you calculate these

by hand, take the squares before you subtract.




Switch the formulas if you want maximum shift.




If you find that the argument of the SQRT is negative, or if the

resulting calculation is negative, then the format is too large for

the negative size that you've specified.

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For all you camera nerds who just had to know (like me!): I measured

both Ilford and Fuji 8 X 10 films yesterday, and they were very

slightly different, but basically 7 7/8 X 9 7/8. This is counting

the whole sheet, not allowing for incursion by the holder. The

measured diagonal to cover the entire sheet was exactly 320 mm for

both. Obviously, the point made by another poster above,that the

image circle is far wider for closer targets, will be the most

relevant fact in governing what you can get away with in lens

coverage under normal circumstances.





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