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OK - I apologize if this is the wrong category for this question, but couldn't think of a more appropriate

one. anyways, my son wants to decoupage some photos on some of his bookshelves and stuff. I know

this couldn't be done with an inkjet print, but I'm thinking frontier prints would probably hold up (right?).

My biggest question is: how long would photo prints last under a decoupage treatment? My wife and I are

thinking of turning this into some sort of heritage item, where we could paste some current pics on the

bookshelf, and then add on as the years go by. But that of course will all go to pot if the decoupage

treatment ruins the prints in 2 or 3 years. I know this is off the wall - any suggestions? Are there any

formulas that would work better than others? Should I skip the decoupage and varnish in some other way?

Yeah, I know, hokey and crafty, but that's the breaks sometimes as a parent :)

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