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Any experience with either or both....

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I use YSI. Haven't used Yervant. YSI does the trick for me. Best thing about it is when you are desiging a page, the main page fills your screen with the template you've selected, while the right hand side is thumbnails of the photos in the folder or available for the album. The "used" images go slightly opaque, so it's easy to see if you have used an image before in the album.


I find it easy to move and crop within the layout apertures.


I typically save the album (PSD files), then use Photoshop to make a PDF slide show (with printing disabled).


I then email the clients the PDF (along with a change form) for their approval.


Busy professionals like it, save me time not having to meet with the clients to go over image selection.


SOmetimes I have the clients email me a list of 10 or 20 images they "must" have in the album somewhere.


Support is good with YSI. They are continually updating the software.


I find the templates included in the software to not be very useful. Too much white space, most way too busy.


There is a very good and easy to use option to make your own templates. I make them with Photoshop, then you expot them to YSI. Works nice. Much faster only using 10 or so templates than the 100 or so in the program. You can save your own templates in a different folder.


All-in-all it was a good investment.

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