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Infrared Film with Holga: Will it Work?


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Can infrared light penetrate Holga plastic? I have a bad feeling the answer will be yes.


This may sound crazy, but I'm trying to simulate the look of military night-vision equipment. Do you

remember the video recording of the rescue of Jessica Lynch, for example? Grainy infrared tonality,

vignetting, and fairly lo-resolution. Holga would be perfect!


As a secondary question, I'm having trouble finding development times for Rollei's IR film. The tech-sheet

pdf doesn't include them, but indicates that rollei.com does. I couldn't find them at Rollei either.


The tech-sheet warns that non-Maco developers will result in decreased quality. Does anyone know if this

is definitely true, or just a case of a company pushing you to buy its product?


Thanks in advance!

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I have seen IR photos done with the Holga. To me, the vignette looked even stronger than regular light, very high contrast. I don't think you will have a problem with IR getting through the body since it is really near-IR that you are recording.
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<p>Infrared film (e.g. HIE) requires a light safe environment and has to be loaded in the

dark. I

don't know about yours, but my Holga isn't even lightsafe, let alone infrared safe. It lets in

daylight all the time and would continually expose infrared film even when the shutter is

closed. I suppose this could be controlled by masking the body with light blocking tape,

but why? </p>


<p>Surely its easier to get the effect you're describing in Photoshop? It would take about

2 minutes. There are even tutorial sites that show you how (it's a popular effect for

videogame artists).</p>

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Thanks, guys.


I've actually had no light leak problems with my Holga, and I don't tape the back or the

exposure number window.


I'm not so experienced with Photoshop, but I could give that a shot. How can Photoshop

interpret which subjects (living/dead/foliage/skin/sky) to render as bright (rich in infrared


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