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Leica APO-SUMMICRON-M 90 mm f/2 ASPH specifications

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As I recall Leica used to produce APO-Summicron-M 90mm f/2.0 ASPH in chrome

version between 2002 and 2004 or something like that. From then on this lens is

available in black anodized finish only.


So, I have two questions. If anybody has an old specifications brochure for the

silver and black versions I'm curious to know whether the only difference

between the two versions (black or chrome) is weight (and that would mean brass

for chrome and anodized aluminum for black) ?


Second question is - does anyone know why exactly Leica discontinued chrome

version? Was there a problem with it in terms of manufacturing or perhaps it's a

pure supply and demand issue and chrome was simply not popular?



Thanks in advance,


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The only difference was the material used (heavier brass vs. lighter aluminum alloy) - I may have a PDF copy of the lens brochure, which includes the weight of each (email me off-line and I will track it down and send it to you).


The silver chrome was discontinued because of slow sales and to streamline production of the lens.

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That's what I suspected, but I simply wonder if perhaps there is another reason for that, not just because of slow sales. For example problems with precise assembly or reliability issues or anything else of this sort. Brass itself may have gotten too expensive (copper and zinc have nearly quadrupled in price in last decade if I recall correctly). If the finish alone was the problem, they could have just as easily painted the brass version with black paint. You see my point?

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