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best price cameras


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I'll keep this short and sweet. When i typed nikon d80 into the search area it

brought an advertisement from bestpricecamera.com. They were selling the nikon

d80 for $509. I went to reseller ratings website to check out the websites

customer feedback and it has a lifetime rating of .24/10. Why in Gods good name

does photo.net even allow this advertisement to show up when it has this bad of

a reputation?

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When I typed D80 into the search area it brought me to Google. On Google there was an ad for bestcamera, along with links to various posts on photo.net. How is this the fault of photo.net for google having a an for bestcamera.
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I think Mr. Graham is referring to the Adsense ads that appear on the Photo.net site. To answer that question, advertisers bid for keyword placement based on sites' content. Photo.net produces very relevant content for camera retailers - both good and bad.


While Adsense users, as a general rule, don't have control over what content is served. Adsense uses <i>can</i> filter unwanted sites from posting advertisements through ads appearing on the user's site. Personally, I haven't seen any of these shady camera retailers on the P/N ads in a while. I would imagine that they have a really high click-through rate, which boosts revenue. So there's a couple competing interests there in deciding whether to filter such sites.


My $.02.



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Yes, but, the side bar ads (supplied by google) also link to some questionable places. For example while reading this very post the ad on the side is trying to sell me a D80 for $514 from USAPhotoNation (rating on resellerratings: 0.41/10).


It would be nice not have ads on these pages over which you have no control (such as those places by Ads by Google).

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Photo.net is just like everyone else who has a business, they are trying to make money to stay in business. Just like pop photo mag allows Broadway photo to take out huge 2 page adds in their magazine(Broadway are total scumbags). They all have to sell ad space to stay in business, it's up to us to figure out who's legit. It does seem like they are some how endorsing these companies by allowing them to advertise, but in reality they're just trying to meet their bottom line so we photography junkies have a place to go and talk about this stuff.

I would stick with the good companies that have a good reputation like B&H, Adorama, Amazon, places like that. They may not advertise the low prices of the scam places but in the long run you will pay less with far better customer service. I have bought a ton of stuff from B&H, I have never been dissatisfied with their service.

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-- "Photo.net is just like everyone else who has a business, they are trying to make money to stay in business..."


So basically, you pass on the blame to Google/photo.net's business practices (I had no idea Google has problems with its financial model) for trying to lure us members into questionable businesses.


These death-traps/bait&switch scammers have been around for ages, and so were their ads, digital or magazine-driven. I know that America is known for its take on business, but this is a highly irresponsible policy. Google KNOWS about these scammers, and photo.net knows about them too (just google for similar posts!).

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Like a deer in the headlights....


It always happens that someone posts - 'gee, I didn't know this merchant was a bad player - bait and switch - on and on ....' Wouldn't make so much more sense to direct forum readers to a list of bad sellers and then add to or modify the list as readers find other dishonest merchants. Then there would be a reference list one could check first.

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I have taken many classes in e-Business and I agree with Brian. It is not generally the responsibility of the site (Photo.net in this case) to "monitor" or "check up on" the companies paying for advertising.


"I had no idea Google has problems with its financial model."

How do you think Google ever got to the point they are but by selling ads?!? Last time I checked 90-some % of Google's revenue is from advertising.


Petrana, it is very likely that your business is a different type of business and therefore has a completely different business model. I would surmise that you are comparing apples to oranges (as the saying goes).


"Wouldn't make so much more sense to direct forum readers to a list of bad sellers..." This is EXACTLY what www.resellerratings.com is for and does!

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Also looking at a different aspect, I would check on possible versions. For example: when I was looking into buying my D200, I found out that there are actually two different versions available. One is the standard magnesium alloy frame and the other has a polycarbinate chassis (which doesn't support many lenses) and sells for about 1/3 the price. In all my research and all the plethora of reveiws I read I never came across this - I eventually found out from a salesman on the phone. There may be a similar situation with the D80; I don't know. Most of the various companies carried both versions, but the dirt cheap price was the one advertised and displayed.
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Ok, granted I may likely be wrong but it seemed consistent. About 6+ DIFFERENT companies had a VERY low price listed for the D200 but when I asked them specifically about the magnesium alloy "version" (after having that mentioned to me previously) it had a larger, more realistic price for it. I don't remember which companies, I believe one of them was bestprice cameras and most were the "wonderful" bait & swith scammers - and of course it is possible they were all under the same organization. However, just for the record I didn't end up ordering from one of these anyway.
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