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35mm back and panoramic adaptor

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Hi, I'm new to MF and have recently bought a Pro TL with 35mm,55mm,80mm, and

150mm lens also a 2x teleconverter.. I want to take panoramic shots and have a

chance of obtaining a 35mm back with panoramic adaptor.. I was wondering if I

would have to buy a different focusing screen or can I still use the screen I

use for 120 shots which is an A4 grid screen? any suggestions would be

gratefully accepted.. Thank you :-)

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A compositional aid is a good thing to use if your a frame filling type of shooter. Try using a mask whether bought or made and still shoot on 120. It's funny how sometimes what appears to be your shot actually provides a different crop or even more then one composition when there is extra image to peruse.
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I have a 35mm W back for my Bronica ETR. It gives me an image of 24X54 mm. I don't have the correct focusing screen with the exact masking or frame lines but I can approximate the area using the grid screen. You could just cut a piece of clear plastic material to 60X45mm and then mark your frame lines with a felt tip pen. Then you just place the plastic on top of the focusing screen. This is easier to do with a waist level finder than with a prism finder. You don't want to take a chance on scratching the prism finder.


I got my W back for making wide shots on Kodachrome with a 50mm lens so I could enlarge from there. So far I have only experimented with print film but I'd better get going if I want to shoot the Kodachrome. I would have to guess that the Mamiya image area would also be in the 24X54 mm range. Eventually I will get a 40 to go even wider.

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Ive never seen a mamiya 135 back in person, but from all the pictures ive seen online, it looks like the back just takes a regular 24x36 frame, and the panoramic adapter is just a mask to make it 18x36 or so...


Hopefully someone who has actually handled one of these backs will speak up. Make sure you ask questions before you buy/bid.

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Thank's you guy's :-) I will try the 35mm with my A4 grid screen and see how it goes by masking it as suggested ..it belongs to a friend who's going to lend it to me so its not going to cost me anything, but also I will try just croping my 120 film and see how it compares..My friend who own the 35mm back bought it as a standby for when they go abroard and unable to get their hands on 120 roll film, which sometimes can happen..I will put on some Panoramic shots soon and hope they turn out ok ..I'll leave you guys to judge them for me..Thanks again :-)
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