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SQai vs 503CX series


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I've been pondering easing a medium format system to my wedding work, and have

settled on the square format.


Some of the 'blad 6X6 series models leaves me befuddled as to age, options,

and such.


Having used a GS1 and ETR series Bronica, I'm familiar with Bronica, and had

no complaints.


Can someone compare the physical size/weight difference? Difficulty in loading

the backs? Focusing through a WLVF or other prisms?


Cost is something of a concern. I can outfit a complete Bronnica system, with

flash, multiple backs, backup body, and a spread of glass for the price of an

EX+ starter 503CX kit.


TTL less of a concern as I would meter with my Sekonic.


Digital is not a concern at all, otherwise I would content with my 5D.

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I don't recommend loading an Hasselblad back unless someone shows you or you read the manual. That done, it's pretty easy. I can still ride a bike too, despite the scars earned at an early age. The waist-level finder has a 4x loupe - focusing is easy, seeing the corners of the screen is not. That's where a prism finder excels.


K. G. DeBakker, a frequent contributor, has an excellent Hasselblad information site. I can't find the URL at the moment, but he may pipe in. Otherwise, there is "The Hasselblad Compendium" by Richard Nordin.


It's hard to beat the variety of used Hasselblad gear, and its durability. Bronica is OK, but you tend to get what you pay for.

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My experience with an SQ-Ai in mint condition is not a good one.

It died on the first month of light use. Sent it for CLA and

it came back in full working condition, two months later it developes

irregular firing of the shutter, few weels later it stops completely.

Now it just sits unattended on a shelf. I am thinking about sending it for repair.

Unlike an SQ-A which is less "electronic". The one I got is still working fine but I still miss the lower noise and the much softer mirror slap of SQ-Ai, that one gives more reassuring feel after I fired the shutter, also it feels better in my hand..lighter, rounder corners.


All in all it is better to stay away from Any SQ-Ai.

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I've never had a problem with my SQ-Ai in three years of use, but have had no end of problems with my 2 'blad backs since I got it (them) 6 months ago. Saying that, I'm sold on the 'blad glass, tack sharp stills at 1/1000 f2 is the reason I'm holding onto the 'blad. That's not to say the Bronica glass isn't good, it is, it just doesn't allow the aforementioned settings. In terms of comparisons like you asked:


- The blad is heavier and feels more solid, although I'm using a 200 series body, which may be heavier than the 500 series; Especially when combined with an f2 lens.


- The backs are easy to load with both, I'd say the Bronica is easier as you don't have to faff about threading the film backing through the holder and (IME) the Bronica backs are more reliable for light tightness and frame spacing - although the Bronica backs will pop open fairly easy if the springs are worn.


- The 'blad focuses easier. I have a split screen for my SQ-Ai but would struggle without it, even with the magnifier. I have an acute matte for the 'blad and things pop clearly into focus.

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