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Polaroids at weddings...a revisit

nicola inglis

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A link in the hip-mounted-printer thread reminded me that the use of Polaroids

at weddings had been discussed reasonably recently so I thought I'd share my



My Mum got married weekend before last and I seized the opportunity to talk her

into the polaroid thing (having not managed to talk any 'real' clients into

it!). We bought a heap of film on trademe (like ebay) but in hindsight it

would have been worth paying full price. And we were using the 600CL which is

one of the smaller ones with the white border thing (definitely NOT intended as

a pro camera!)


My husband (who is one of my regular second shooters) shot the poaroid while I

snapped a digital 'backup' in case someone wandered off with one of the

original polaroids (or the polaroid camera died). We photographed all the

guests, in their couples or small groups. We then handed them the polaroid and

directed them to a table where we had set up a big scrapbook with black pages

and some CD writing pens and we asked them to write a message to Mum and Colin

(the groom!). So it ended up being a kind of guest book with pictures.


The response was overwhelmingly positive, people loved the shots (the colour is

flattering and hubby is a good shooter too :-) ). And they loved being able to

write a message on the bottom. It generated lots of happy chatter and was a

good ice-breaker between the groups that didn't know each other.


I think it cost about $300 all up. Compare to the tired tradition of putting

disposables on the tables it was a clear winner; probably about the same cost

and so much cooler!


Plus now I get to use the scrapbook to sell the idea to the real clients :-)

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We've bought several off trademe (like ebay), the first was the 600CL that we used. We also bought a 636 'talking camera' that was super cheesy and lots of fun but not as reliable. We bought a spectra one (bigger print) but the film is harder to get hold of. And we bought a one600 classic which is much newer and looks cooler (!) but doesn't have any control over the focal distance. The 600CL allows you to choose 'less than 3 feet' or 'more than 3 feet', having said that we shot everything on the 'more than 3 feet' setting anyway.


Please don't anyone ask why we keep buying these things! And for goodness sake don't get to wondering what my office looks like (cause you'd be right!)

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