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First Engagement Session

amy cupp

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I had my first engagement session last weekend. This was another freebie to

gain experience. I took along my new 50mm and for some reason it would not

work on autofocus. This was soooo frustrating. I dont know if it is broken or

what. I guess I will have to have it checked out. I am probably doing

something wrong. I was proud of me. For the most part of the shoot, I shot in

manual trying to adjust the fstop and stuff. I got lost a few times with the

settings but kept my cool and when back to Auto until I figured it out. I

posted a few of my favorites and wanted to know what you think. I just

downloaded the free trial of lightroom and finally got a chance to play around

in it a bit tonight. Do you like the direct positive color? I do, but I can

see why others may not. Thanks for the feedback!


http://www.photo.net/photos/Amy Cupp

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I suggest you rad through Zeltsman's free lessons on posing. You have some nice shots.. but some that are awkward (the girl standing to the front with her BF on the fire escape.. her arm looks huge.




There is some great advice for couples shots, feminine and masculine posing etc. as well as lighting.. It is a very comprehensive lesson set!

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Amy seems like your on the right track. I am starting out much like you and was not happy with my first engagement session. After that I went over some of the top portraits of couples on Photo.net and it has helped me, but still have a ways to go.


I'm in Charlotte and it's nice to see someone local on photo.net. It's a great place to learn just don't take the comments personal the wedding forum can be cruel to new photographers...Good Luck

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Zeltsman's lessons were interesting and informative. I would recommend that people starting out read them (after a few cups of coffee because it reads like a stereo manual). It gives you a quick over few of fundamentals of traditional posing. Then take that knowledge and promise yourself you will apply it in a way that never, ever makes anyone look like a stiff, dead mannequin.
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Those Zetlsman's photo examples are hilarious. Do not waste your time on learning the Sears classic poses - if you have no desire to ever use them. Use photo.net for both instructions and examples. Or pick up a new book like Digital Portrait Photography and Lighting by Catherine Jamieson and Sean McCormick.
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The Zeltsman lessons are timeless, even though at first glance they only look dated. There is valuable information there, and it's free. Rules I have incorporated into my own style which I don't believe has the "Sears" look. I suggest at least reading the sections on masculine and feminine posing. You'll learn faster there than by sorting through the vast amount of info on PN. There's a lot of good portrait photographers here, and so many who have no clue what they're doing.
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Several of your pictures are OOF and need to be binned I'm afraid. Also you're B&W conversions are flat and muddy. I think you had this problem with a wedding you posted. If you e-mail me I'd be happy to help with your B&W or just search the digital darkroom forum as there are lots of threads on this, as well as a classic by Marc Williams on this forum.


I think it makes sense to learn the basic rules of posing, and then to make your photos interesting, start breaking those rules. But you have to understand them first.



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Thanks, Keep those critiques coming. This forum and trial and error are my main sources of learning. I agree that some are a bit OOF. I guess that happened when I had to switch to manual focus because the AF would not work consistently on my camera with the 50mm. I think I got 80 salvagable shots and some good ones in my opinion, but I appreciate and need the opinions of the pros so I can grow. I think the one of the couple laying down I will switch to b&W or tone down the color a bit, bc I noticed it makes him look like he is wearing eye shadow with the direct positive. I compaired my b&w to what it was before and I think they look a lot better when adding curves and enhancing the difference or whatever you want to call it. Anyone have a good example of what you mean by flat and muddy in the engagment pics? I agree looking back on the wdding shots, the black and whites are blah and the colors are to me now also.
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I like a lot of your poses. I think you need to work on pin pointing focus a bit more, but it comes with practice.


The holding hands looks great, but the focus is on the grass in the foreground, not the hands.


The color close up of girl, may be softness in the lens you may use the sharpening tool in PS and sharpen just the eyes a bit.


Dancing pose is nice, again OoF. Next time try posing her hands so you can see her engagement ring and focus on that.


Lower left (4th last) is my favorite.


For these types of shots I'd use only the center AF point (select on you camera settings) Focus on the point you want focused and re compose. On the 5D you can select the AF points with the joystick thing which is very handy, not sure about your camera.



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I think you did OK for your first engagement! What everyone said is true and very good advice. Only thing I'd like to add is for you to try to get to know the people a little. Find out how they met, what they like, what do they do for fun and this perhaps will give you clues, an insite about places to go for the photo shoot. Brick walls never did much for me. So with a totally different type of background I believe your pics would capture the love these 2 share. I also like taking pics of each of them alone as they can put a pic in their wallets or on there desk at work. I've been known to take 50 to 75 shots at an engagement; different settings, allowing them to change cloths a few times. Sometimes add props like toasting glasses, playing with a beach ball, whatever they may be into. It's like a play date for them and I'm just documenting the event with a few suggestions on posing along the way.
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I definately agree with the OOF. MY Autofocus was NOT working so I had to rely on manual for the most part and that is my fault thinking that it was in focus when a slight adjustment would have been better. I actually have about 80 pictures and I will try to finish uploading them soon so you all can critque these too! The shoot was at a park and there happened to be a brick building near by and I liked those better because it was better shade. The couple was from California and do not know Knoxville very well, but they did suggest the place. Thanks for your advice.


What do you all think about the direct positive color option in lightroom?

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