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IF EQUAL IN PRICE, Canon 20D or 400D (rebel XTi) ?


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Hi all,


I know this has been discussed before, but the last discussion was about four months ago, and the cost of

the 20D has come down now.


I currently have an Elan 7, and am shopping for my first digital SLR. After reading the reviews I was all

ready to buy the XTi, but was then told in the shop that they're getting rid of their 20D's, at a price only

marginally more than the XTi. Then I read a little on the 20D and was impressed, and am now unsure of

what to get.


So, the question is, price not being a factor, which should I go for? The guy in the shop recommended the

20D. what do you guys think?


Any help will be much appreciated.




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Having owned and used a 20D, now an XTI I would choose the XTI.


XTI has better focus in all modes

XTI has AI servo focus that is reliable, unlike the 20D

XTI has more pixels (20% more) that helps when cropping

XTI self-cleaning sensor works, saves time from removing dust spots

XTI has better dynamic range


With the Canon battery grip the XTI handles well, even with large lenses.

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hey pritesh u should go in for the 20D its better build and has more features and the functions on the XTi are frustrating when you want to have really quick controls. its very intutuive on the 20D. have used both the cameras of my friends around. it also feels much better in hands than the XTi. neways from where in Inida you are gettin a 20D this cheap. pls do lemme know even me wanna buy one!
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Looked at both myself when I went shopping. I personally chose the 20D. I prefered the feel of the camera, the materials used in its build and the layout of the controls to the Rebel.


I would definitely suggest going to your store and handling both of the cameras, to see which feels better for you.


Its a hard choice, and also depends on the type of photography that you do.


If you plan to take the camera with on travels, although the 20D is slightly heavier it is way sturdier than the Rebel.


Personally I would say 20D!

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Ever looked at the images in many photo magazines shot by pro's and serious amateurs? Many are shot with the 20D; a very few with the XTi. That aside, I owned a 20D sold it and upgraded to the 5D. Wish I still had my 20D. It feels like a camera in one's hands. To me the XTi feels more like a toy.


Anyway.. just another opinion.


Good luck.

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Personally I'd choose the xti with the batt. grip.


I currently use an xt with grip, have no problems in handling with big lenses both normally and vertically.


Sure you can add the grip on the 20d, but it might be too heavy for your liking.


But its your decision , not ours, it's your call.<div>00KkBq-36002384.jpg.f4b59bca1874cc52bfdb015a3662849a.jpg</div>

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Easy call, the 20D. It has better build, you don't have to buy a battery grip to make it more

holdable (XTi is too tiny to be a DSLR, IMO), better ISO performance, faster FPS, better menu

layout which makes it easier to switch functions. There's a reason it still costs a bit more

than the XTi, IMO. Good luck with whatever you choose.

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I own a 20D and have previously owned the Digital Rebel and have previously used the Digital Rebel XT. The reason I would choose the 20D, isn't the size, but the scroll wheel on the back of the body. When I don't have it, I miss it. I can get used to just about any other aspect of the camera, but that. A quick flick of the thumb is a lot faster than 20 multiple key presses.
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20D is a MUCH better peice of kit, the 400D is a Basic DLSR, and the features available on the 20D will make up for it, I moved from a 350D to a 400D and then to a 30D, I have to the that I do not miss the 400D in any way whatsoever, you hear people going on about the larger pixel size of the 400D compared to the 30D (and the 20D), but they are blind to the fact that the 30D, etc takes much better pictures, When I had both I set the both up and using the same lens took the same photos at the same settings, and the 30D would always win, plus the 400D is so small and Plasticy, I hate to say it as I use to own one, (I gave mine away I did not use it at all after the 30D was brought) but size and build quality does matter, and the 20D or 30D are semi-pro in both inner workings and feel in the hand, I can hold the 30D all day, the 400D I use to hate as even with a Battery grip it was just to small in the hand to feel comfortable.


I hope this helps.. 20D gets my vote, both in Quality and Features.

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I'd take the xti, which I currently own. I use it with the battery grip and so size is not an issue. Plus the Digic III chip is a big plus for its noise cancellation properties. I've shot indoors with no flash at ISO 1600 and gotten very good images that needed little or no noise removal. Plus the aforementioned dust control system, which is a great feature. The difference between the 5 vs 3 fps burst rate isn't that important to me, 3 is sufficient and the xti provides as much as 11 frames in RAW and over 30 in jpg mode before pausing. Fast turn on times, larger lcd and plenty of features.


Again, this is a "if same price" comparison and I'd still take the xti but given the price differential to me it is a no-brainer. If you want to do pro-level stuff get a 5D or 1D.

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@ Kent.... too small to be a DSLR? No offense, but i am pretty sure that the DSLR title has something to do with a camera being digital and having a single reflex lens, not its size.


Personally, I like the XT/XTi. Smaller is better when you spend a lot of time outdoors. If I was really desperate for a bigger camera, i would buy a battery grip. a smaller size doesn't make any less of a digital SLR camera than a bigger one. If they were both the same price? I would probably take the XTi. Smaller, and the controls work just fine for me.

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David. No worries, no offense taken just sharing my opinion. My girlfriend owns the XTi and

on occasion when I use it, it's just too small (especially when used with heavier lenses). That's

what I really meant by it being too small. So I think if they are both the same price, the feel

and balance of the 20D in your hands is much better than the XT/XTi's which is enough for

me to warrant my vote for the 20D.

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Everyone - Thank you so much for your time and comments. You've been very helpful. I think

the only thing to do is to go to the store and just play around with both with a combination

of grips and lenses.


Thanks again!

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Unless you need the somewhat faster fps or truly can't stand the small body or different

interface, the 400D/XTi. It has the AF system of the 30D, image quality is potentially at least

a bit better, the dust reduction system is not going to work perfectly but it is better than

nothing, etc.


(For the record, I own a 5D and a 350D.)



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I'd pick the XTi as I value the light weight, larger LCD, and improved focusing over the

larger size, heavier build strength, and scroll wheel of the 20D.


The main reasons above, plus the extra pixels and the anti-dust whistles, plus it being one

generation newer make it clear for me.


Buying a DSLR for it's "build quality" doesn't mean much of anything to me. I haven't had

to drive a nail with a camera yet, and I otherwise take care of my stuff. The day you dub

your camera passe' because of advances, it won't help that your 20D is more robust or has

better ergonomics.

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If you want bigger prints, get the 400D. Personally, I think it is not that much of the difference. I used to have the 350D, used it for a month then tried a 20D and had not doubt that I wanted the 20D instead of the 350D. I recently played with a friend's 400D and can tell you for sure the 20D is way better camera.


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