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Music for Wedding slideshow - what tunes do you use?


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As long as your clients (1) own and (2) provide the music, you can use any at their request.



The key with the legal isues with music is that they need to own it - your service is just taking photo and setting them to music they own. 100% legal.



If you are looking for a few good tunes, we have a host listed on our website to recommend:



Best of luck!


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having taken some courses in music copyright, I have some real questions as to the legality

of using commercial music, for commercial product (a product being sold), without consent.

This would be a synchronization issue (do a search for synchronization license). I know

people do it, I'm not convinced it is legal - no more than the online music systems that have

attempted to skirt copyright by "confirming" that you own a CD and then letting you stream it

from their servers (which I believe have been shut down).


Check with a lawyer, the publisher, and perhaps Harry Fox Agency.

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