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Hexar Close Focusing

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After all the give and take about the Hexar RF, I went today to Cameraland in Manhattan to check out their factory refurbished models. The price was attractive: $700. The salesman couldn't have been nicer. He let me attach a Leica 50mm lens to the Hexar body for evaluation. The camera itself was mint and indistinguishable from new. We took the camera outside and did a few infinity test. The Hexar had no problem focusing at infinity, which relieved me. Then we went back inside for a few close focus tests. Using a yardstick, we measured items at 3 and 7 feet. This is where the Hexar proved disappointing. The 7 foot focus was acceptable if ever so slightly off, and the 3 foot focusing was off considerably. As I'd be using my Leica lens exclusively, I decided the slight focus incompatability wasn't worth the bargain price. It's possible than an expert could correct the rangefinder alignment to comply with the Leica lenses, but having invested a small fortune in the Leica, I'd rather not risk disappointing photos in critical situations. I think I'll spend the extra money and get a M6.
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