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Rollei 110mm f2 Lens...couldn't be more pleased


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Finally I took the dive...despite comments from friends saying I am going out

of my mind..in getting the Rollei 110mm f2 Planar lens *in addition* to the

90mm f4 Apo-Symmar.


This 110mm lens is unique. So dreamy in the OOF brokeh, and the sharpness when

stopped down to f8 baffled me...never believed a Zeiss lens can be that sharp

until now. And the colour rendition is different from Schneider...emm


No wonder Rollei kept the lens lineage as such...every lens is unique. Even

the 90mm Apo-Symmar produce shots different from the 120mm makro-planar.


Worth my effort of searching for this babe in Hong Kong.


Just to share my joy,



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That's one of the nice things about the Hasselblad version...since there is no shutter in the

lens, it is significantly smaller and lighter (760g versus 1295g, Bay 70 verus bay 104). The

203FE also has a 1/2000th shutter speed that makes it easier to shoot wide open outside.

The downside of course is with flash you only have 1/90th or less...that and it does not

mount on the Rollei! Frankly, the 110/2 is the only reason I still have the 203FE, as great a

camera as it is. Also, the Rollei has better film flatness than the Hasselblad, which might

make a difference with this lens when used wide open.

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I agree with you regarding the Rollei Zeiss 110/f2 Planar lens. At f/4, when the background is at least 15 feet behind the subject that you're focused on, the background blur(bokeh)of this 110mm lens is different and enticing. It's like a blur or a characteristic that is just different. At f/5.6, I find that the sharpness of this lens is absolutely extraordinary, of course shot tripod mounted and triggered with the RC-120 and mirror lock up to extract every ounce of sharpness and detail. The 110 Zeiss Planar is one of my favorite up close portrait lenses next to the Schneider 180mm 2.8 Tele Xenar. And the neat thing is that both of these lenses use the same hood.



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"never believed a Zeiss lens can be that sharp until now." AND "the Rollei has better film flatness than the Hasselblad" Caught my attention. Are you people insane? Not only is Zeiss sharper than Schneider. It has ALWAYS been that way. I smile everytime someone in this forum mentions the sharpness of a Mamiya lens. Incredible! I am a Rollei person, but what makes Stuart make such a statement?

You want sharp. Get a Zeiss Macro Planar S 120. That's sharp!

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I have both the Zeiss Macro Planar 120mm and the Schneider Apo-Symmar Macro 150mm for

my Rolleiflex, but believe me, the Schneider is sharper. The Zeiss is very sharp, but the

Schneider is insanely sharp. Of course if you make other comparisons things might be turned

around. Sometimes a Zeiss is sharper at its max performance, sometimes a Schneider is.

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Jorge,<br><br>You're looking for someone who has both 110 mm and 120 mm lenses? You have found one.<br>But i'm not sure why you are looking.<br><br>The 120 mm is a sharp lens, yes.<br>The 110 mm isn't as sharp. Not wide open, that is. It is when stopped down a fair bit. But who will spend money on an f/2 lens to use it stopped down? The qualities of the 110 mm are found elsewhere.
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