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A lost photographer in Amsterdam...

einav leshetz

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I've just arrived to Amsterdam and I'm looking for direction...


here are a few questions:


1) can anyone reccomend me a good lab? i need a black and white AND a colour-

ive noticed there are a couple of labs which work with either BW or colour..

any who do both? I would like to see which areas in amsterdam have labs


2) same thing about darkrooms? know any darkrooms? a good shop that sells

paper? - the cheapest possible.


3) any tips to finding a job around here to do with photography?



that's enough questions for now.




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After my last visit to Amsterdam, the best one that comes to my mind is Capi Lux, though it appears that they have now re-invented themselves as <a href="http://www.capi.nl/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=4&id=16&Itemid=27"> Eyes On Media </a><br>I would suggest that they ought to be able to provide you with some answers to your second and third question, at the same time. The link above includes their address, phone numbers, opening times and travel directions.
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Dear Nav


I too am a recent arrival to Amsterdam. I am sorry I cannot help you with any of your questions. However, I thought you might be interested to know that the World Press Photo Awards & exhibition will be starting in Amsterdam soon. If you register in advance there is a free lecture or two.








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FotoSpui (located on Spui of course) used to have excellent service, their own BW lab etc.

But that was years ago, I've not had them processing any film for me since I changed jobs to a location outside the city center in 2002.


They may be able to help you with darkroom rental as well (or know someone who can).


Can't help you with jobs.

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<A HREF="http://www.fotonivo.nl/>Foto Nivo</A> is good, although they send most stuff out I believe.<P>


If you want someone that does it inhouse, <A HREF="http://www.kleurgamma.nl/">Kleurgamma</A> are pretty good. I used them almost exclusively in my last couple of years in Amsterdam for colour processing 35mm, 120, 9x12cm and 4x5". Fast turnaround too. You can rent time on their Imacons, plus you can probably find answers to most of your other questions too.<P>


Good luck, and enjoy yourself in Amsterdam<P>

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<A HREF="http://www.fotonivo.nl/">Foto Nivo</A> is good, although they send most stuff out I believe.<P>


If you want someone that does it inhouse, <A HREF="http://www.kleurgamma.nl/">Kleurgamma</A> are pretty good. I used them almost exclusively in my last couple of years in Amsterdam for colour processing 35mm, 120, 9x12cm and 4x5". Fast turnaround too. You can rent time on their Imacons, plus you can probably find answers to most of your other questions too.<P>


Good luck, and enjoy yourself in Amsterdam<P>


<P>PS. Sorry for the double post, maybe one of the mods can delete the earlier one.

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