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Beaches, Tropical, photographic where?


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Sure, closest to home (assuming home is the US), try the Virgin Islands or just about anything

in the Caribbean.


Nonetheless, there are a few beaches in the world that have the Caribbean beat - no question

about it. Try Bora Bora, Fiji, Tahiti or just about anything in French Polynesia, the Marshall

Islands, and the Solomon Islands. It will make you happy...


"Image-Google" these places and you'll know what I mean.

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There are also very photogenic tropical beaches in Hawaii, Mexico, and Central America. The

key to finding them deserted is simple. Get to the beach at or before sunrise!


Most tourists don't start heading over to the beach until well after breakfast. You should

easily have most beaches to yourself (and maybe a few other photographers and a few early

morning joggers or fishermen) during the first couple hours of daylight of any day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Peter has a good point... Costa Rica has some great locations. And some of the best spots are the spots not often visited. I just spent a few days at the Corcovado national park (southern CR), the beaches are inhabited, the sunsets amazing, the flora and fauna unseen elsewhere. Had to be flown out of there with dengue fever, I think it was caught somewhere else, but it was well worth it!


Many beaches north of CR as well. And the Caribbean coast has many sandy, blue/green-watered beaches. I was at Bocas del Toro in Panama not too long ago and the water and beaches are fantastic. Will be uploading photos of these trips next week, finally getting my film scanner this week.


Cheers and feel free to contact me if you're ever interested in traveling to CR.



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