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RB/RZ visit Digital


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HI guys,I read members saying about film and digital,today in 2007 if you use

film camera your an old fashion,your not ( in ).I'm sorry guys but don't tell me

you have better quality if you blow a 8x10 11x14 16x20,you'l have better print

than film with your 6 or 10 mp canon or nikon.I have both film and

digital.....digital its ok but its not pro print except if you are using big

digital back like over 20 mp minimum,adapters,you need medium format

compatible,what kind of computer you need to drive 20 mp or over,,,,,g4 or g5

mac,people don't mention that,just said,go digital you'l be up to date,,,,,,,but

HOW MUCH gyus,,,,,,,,for all those equipement,,,75,0000$ and more,,,,are you

ready to spend that,imagine just to buy an hassy digital,,,,,,,,wow


Use your nikon or canon for street photography,travel,all day picture,but if

you want pro print,,,,stay in film,,,its not dead,by the way fuji and kodac have

new pro film for 120 or 220 this spring,or spend 75,0000$



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Hans Holbein could produce paintings that would put both film of any size let alone digital in the bin! Unfortunately, unless we have the skill of the master we need to rely on our film or digital materials. At present there is a boundary. My 6x7 or 5x4 cameras will surpass digital unless it is a Mamiya ZD. So if you have the money then you may dispense with film. But and I mean But, do any any of these digital cameras have all the movements of a pre war view camera. The most convenient solution is a view camera with a high megapixel back say 30+ megapixels. That is provided you can spend 10K or more! for the time being I will stick with my ancient 5x4 and quickloads for superb photos. And I can still use my computer to adjust the material if required.


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I agree,yes,if you have the money to buy a 22 or 39 millions pixels to add on your gear,a good computer to drives those pixels,my friend bought one, a MAC G5,,,,8000.00$ CA,and you need a PRO printers,not a Epson or Canon at 150.00$,its not good for a pro job,I mean a pro printers,,,how much!!!!!!!so,we are talking around 75,000$ and more,of course i don`t have that kind of money to spend in photo gear,what i do,i`m still using my 645 PRO or my RZ and sometimes my nikon F5 and its faster then my computer, when i send my rolls to my pro lab,its 5 minutes from my place,take 1 hours for both 120 or 35,and i have all my prints ready to choose what i want for the job,very nice print quality to,so when i decide the print i want,back to the lab,scan my neg with pro equipement,we fix together a little bit or i can make the same thing with my computer in CS2 and i can send the file to the lab to,depend what kind of job i need,what ever,and everything is done, go to the printer,and i have my print with pro quality,its better and faster when you are sitting behind your computer to fix your photo and print after,how many hours you gone a take to do all that.No guys i`m sorry but i stick with film for pro job,of course i have a digital nikon and its fun with the small TV at the back to see right away your picture,yes,but i use it for street,travel and all day picture not for pro job and you have more pro look with an RZ compare to SLR digital,not the same size,and check around you guys when you take picture in a wedding(example),your not the only one with a SLR digital,the guy beside you got the same camera of you,i mean everybody can have a SLR digital today,so can you say your PRO!!!!!!I don`t think so guys,that wy to i stay with film for my Pro job,one day if i win a lottery,,,,,,,gone a be another story....



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All true.


MF has a 'look' that a dslr can't duplicate. And of course vice versa. I have both for

different jobs.


My maths;

Quality + budget + superior look = MF film

Bigger budget + bigger look = LF film

Huge budget = 20-40mp digital back for the above cameras.

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