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shooting school fashion show

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I've been asked to take some photos at my school's fashion show later this

month, which should be interesting. One small caveat, though: I've never done

any fashion photography before. I have a lot of experience shooting at concerts,

for a bunch of local bands, including one which played at the same theatre where

the fashion show will be.


There's a rehearsal and then the actual thing, and I'll be able to take photos

at both. As far as I know, it'll be on theatre stage - other than that, I'm not

too sure. The lighting in the theatre is pretty good - last time I was often

able to use around f5.6 at 1/250 - 1/500.


I normally use a Nikon FE. I'll bring two, and I have 35, 55, 105, and 200 mm

Nikkor lenses (all f2.8, except the 200, which is f4). I'll also be using a DSLR

- I believe a Pentax, but I'm not sure (not my first choice). I almost never use

digital, but they wanted some digital shots (not sure why, but that's entirely

another conversation...). For concerts I normally use HP5 pushed to 1600, but

I've also had good results with TMax 400 to 1600, so I'm not too sure what I'll

use this time.


So, do you have any suggestions or tips on how to do this sort of thing, or

things to look out for? Best ways to photograph the models, angles, and so on?

Any suggestions for film? Which lens setup with the two cameras, and any other



Thanks very much, and sorry for the length,



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Oops - one other question: has anyone here done any IR photography at this sort of thing? If I were going to try, I'd probably be able to borrow a D70 that's been modified to shoot IR (not too sure, but I believe the IR filter has been removed and then some other tweaking done). Is that at all feasible?
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I will wait for people with more experience shooting fashion to chime in about the angles. as for film I would stick with whatever you need to achive 1/250.


IR inside will not be feasible without special lighting even in bright sunlight and a modified D70 I think the shutter speed is down around 1/60 and slower. without strong IR lights no way to be usefull inside.

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Have you ever used Fuji NPZ 800? some good stuff. That 200mm will be you friend on the runway and the 105mm may come in handy. The lighting seems really nice, as opposed to the caves I find myself photographing in. Shoot from the front of the runway, on the same level (if possible), zone focus, find a great lab, and have fun. :-)
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No, I've never tried the NPZ 800, but from what I've found online, it looks like some pretty nice film. I'll have to give that a try.


I'll definitely bring along the 200 mm as well, and a monopod or something. Good idea. And yeah, the lighting is great, which is definitely a relief, compared to the pitch black concerts I've done before (not fun looking through your just developed negatives and seeing nothing at all...)


Anyway, thanks very much.

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