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Petition for M8 user selectable lens profiles


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For Douglas Herr: I use DxO with Canon, and the problem with the M8 isn't so much the lack of aperture information in EXIF (the cyan drift at least isn't aperture dependent), it's the lack of <i>lens identification</i> in EXIF unless the lens is coded. If DxO doesn't know what lens was used it can't choose the appropriate profile. The only way around it would be for the user to batch the files together by lens, which with several hundred or more files made with 4-5 different lenses would be quite a memory exercise! Actually the main reason the coding is now mandatory (with wide angles), the cyan drift, is correctible using the freeware Panotools plug-in for Photoshop (at least for PC users, I believe there isn't a MAC version but I could be wrong). But there again, to avoid a major PITA sorting files, you'd still want the lens to be id'd in EXIF and that means either coding or a menu item.
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Hank, Bravo to you and Guy Mancuso. Forgot to indicate my country. Did you see E. Putts article on lenses and the M8 corrections? I believe the 12 mm ultrawide from Voigtlander did very well, but cannot remember if he commented on cyan shift or just the resolution-contrast figures (where it behaves as a film 16 mm lens). Do you know?
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