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Pros and Cons of Purchasing Online


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My wife and I are amateur photographers. That being said, we are close to

purchasing a Nikon D80 w/ 18-135 lens. We live in Chicago, and spent 30 minutes

in Calumet Photo holding different cameras to check comfort levels and talked to

a professional who explained the difference between the cameras which interested

us. After deciding on the Nikon D80, the question now is from where do we

purchase it? Comparing prices online, I can save $60 buying at Abes of Maine,

but also avoid paying the 9% sales tax as well (a huge savings on a % basis).

From what I can see, the camera is the same at both dealers and Abe's is a

reputable dealer with a great customer satisfaction rating. Can someone with

experience please tell me why I would spend the extra money to buy the camera

here in Chicago? Before making an investment of this size, I'd simply like to

make sure I'm covering all the bases and seeking advice from those more

experienced than myself. Thank you for your time.

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Is it worth $60 being able to hold different cameras and talk to a professional who can explain the differences to you?


Call up Abes and try to start a conversation with the sales guy. See if in the future, you'd be comfortable buying entirely from them.


If you try it out locally and then buy elsewhere, the local guy isn't going to last very long.


I don't have a decent, local camera store. So you're lucky. I do all my purchasing from B&H, sight unseen.




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"Can someone with experience please tell me why I would spend the extra money to buy the camera here in Chicago?"


Because you "...spent 30 minutes in Calumet Photo holding different cameras to check comfort levels and talked to a professional who explained the difference between the cameras which interested us"?


I bought my first DSLR from a local shop for exactly the same reason. They let me hold a number of different models, explained features, and let my try them out. Since then, I've not had to use their expertise (which I frankly outgrew - sad to say...), and I've been buying gear on-line exclusively.


Actually, that's not 100% true - I bought my camera bag locally because I needed to check-out a number of them to see how they would fit my gear.




Geoff S.

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Having once made my living selling complex high-tech equipment to people, I can tell you one reason, but you already said it. When you yourself characterized your trip to Calumet a time spent "talking to a professional who explained..." things you wanted to know, you've pretty well answered your own question. Personally, I'm happy to do tons of research here, or in a thousand other places online... but when I DO get a commission-earning sales person involved in educating me, and digging out various bodies/lenses/etc to handle and experience... that's worth something. Maybe at least throw that sales guy a bone and buy some of your accessories there (more margin on those anyway, and he/she'll make as much selling you a nice new Crumpler bag/pack for $100 as they would selling you the camera).


You're thanking US for our time... but there's only one way to thank that person who stands all day in a retail shop dealing (mostly) with people who don't express an interest in some professional courtesy going both ways. Now, all that being said, my local camera shop (Penn Camera, here in the DC area) is VERY competitive, and will wheel and deal a bit to make sure that we don't feel an urge to squander that relationship just to save a few dollars. You have no obligation to that sales guy, just an obligation to yourself to ask if you'll be back to ask more questions about that camera once you have it in hand. That 9% sales tax issue IS pretty brutal, though - yikes! Good luck, though - you'll love that camera.

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I often ponder that as well. Did you ask Calumet what kind of in house care/warranty do they offer? We all know that the camera has a warranty, but how will they take care of you if say next week the camera quits working? I am sure Abe's of Maine will probaly only replace if DOA. If it quits next week, they may tell you to call Nikon. Where as Calumet may just give you a new one. I know the 100 dollars or more you pay may be well worth it. On the other hand, I have local stores here I would not buy from because I know how they would treat me. Maybe mention or ask that you can get these camera's alot cheaper online, what can they give you to sweeten the deal. Some shops will not be undersold.


I signed up for Calumet's email newsletter and they seem to have alot going on for the photographer. I have never dealt with them, so not sure how they would do a price match. Let us know how you fare.

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I know you don't want to here this, and very few people ever pay any attention to it, but you still owe the sales tax to Illinois by law. Just because you purchase out of state it doesn't mean you avoid sales tax. Almost every state requires that you pay it with your state income tax return. I'm not telling you this because I'm some kind of tax prude, but it will not be very long before states will have the power to require internet businesses to collect the various states taxes. Also, having come from Michigan, I personally know a person who was sued by the state for failing to report out of state purchases. MANY online businesses today report sales to the states, including purchaser information. For instance, purchase online at Walmart. If Walmart has a B&M in the state, they are required to report the sale to the purchasers state. You may never get caught, 99% don't. It's just another thing to think about in our day and age.
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I buy locally whenever I can. However, I do shop online quite a bit as well. The sales tax is usually a trade-off with the shipping costs. However, I also recommend that anyone buying online check out the seller ratings as not all sellers are the same.
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Just a comment: go to the Neighbor section of photo.net and search it for "Abe's." You will find decidedly mixed reviews, all the way from "okay to deal with" to "I'll never buy from them again!"


You can read these reports from other p.n members and then decide whether you want to deal with someone so far away with such mixed reviews.


Personally, I buy only from a very few trusted on-line venders: B&H, Adorama, Samy's, Hunt's, and one or two smaller ones.

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I buy online, but I DON'T go to a bricks and mortar storefront to fondle the merchandise and waste the salesperson's time because, well, just because I'm not that kind of schmuck.


However, I think Abe's is a fine place for you to buy your gear.

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For me the answer has become pretty clear.


If I know what I want and don't need direct advice from a salesperson and don't need to

handle and try the equipment, I order from a reliable online reseller. For example, I don't

feel that I need to "try out" a lens before buying it if I have already decided on what lens

meets my needs and have done online research.


If I cannot make a decision without trying out the equipment or discussing the relative

merits of different options with an expert, I go to a reliable photo shop and spend some

time talking to the salesperson and trying out the equipment and then I buy it from them -

even if it costs me a bit more. I recognize that they provide extra value to me and I'm

willing to pay for it - if for no other reason than to ensure that viable local

businesses that can provide this kind of service remain in business. When I purchased an

expensive tripod recently I had to go to the shop twice to try out different brands and

models and to ask questions, so once I made up my mind I purchased it right there.



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If you are fortunate enough to have a local camera store with knowledgeable people, it well worth your while to give them some business, even if it costs more bucks. How many more bucks is up to you.


I have a loyalty to my local camera store (which does have some well informed people) and I also have a loyalty to my wallet. I order online and I buy at my local store. I want to keep them in business. I compare prices and I make my choice. If it is a small percentage difference in price, I buy local. If it is a big difference, I buy online. Sometimes (but not often), my local store has the best price.



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See if Calumet will will bargain.


So you got all kinds of advice from the nice knowledgeable people at Calumet, but you are going to save a few bucks going elsewhere. Soon Calumet will close because all anybody gets there is advice.


They never used to be open on Sat because they catered to pros only. The Sat hours are a bid to capture the amateur market. This can change anytime.


They are a very reputable store and Chicago is down to three decent camera stores from dozens. Do you see what is happening?


You are supposed to pay tax on out of state purchases. There is a line on the Ill income tax for it. They do send out auditors to retailers and checked the records. If found out, you will pay double because I know people who were cought.

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<i>I can save $60 buying at Abes of Maine, but also avoid paying the 9% sales tax as well - Guy Carpio</i>


<b>WRONG!</b> Ever heard of something called a USE TAX? The state of Illinois has one. Go ahead -- look it up.

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I break this down to 2 types of shopping.


If I know exactly what I want, generally B&H has stock where my local shops don't so I get stuff from them online.


If I want/need an experienced salesperson to assist me or for advice or if I want to handle some equipment I generally go to a local shop. I also generally buy accessories/bags at a local shop. If people do not support their local shops they won't last. Sure I pay a small price premium but I think it is worth it.


My sales tax is 8.25%, but like others have said many states including mine have a 'use tax' so the sales tax issue is moot for many.

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I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to respond - I've never felt like such a cheap bastard in my life! But hey, that's certainly how I came across after reading my entry again. I'm actually someone who tries to shop locally, but after doing so much research online, including pricing, I got caught up in trying to save a few bucks. I appreciate the tax advice as well - it's now noted. I learned about Calumet after consulting my wedding photographer, who shops both there and online. It's interesting to see how passionate people get about local shops, and I realize I ultimately agree. Although I may shop online for future accessories, I will purchase the camera and accessories at Calumet this week... but will certainly see if they'll cut a little off the price. Thanks again for the insight, and I'll certainly be back with questions. I'm glad I came across this site - it's a great resource. Also, I looked at most of your homepages and see what great work you've created. It's inspiring and I look forward to posting my own down the road.
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When I bought my camera I did all the leg work on line, and ended up buying it from Calument since they were close to me and if I ran into a problem I had somewhere to go and discuss it and get the royal run around via the Web: I do not care what you do but think about it : its better to get from a person that you can go back to for help as I do from time to time: \\Lauren
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