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Airport X-Rays and precious film!


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After a four year learning curve, I made the big plunge into LF (Wisner 4X5 Expedition - likely the best wood field camera out there) and booked my 10 day vacation to San Fran/Yosemite/Wine Country.




I know there's a lot of information and opinions regarding airport x-rays and film but any and all responses would be greatly appretiated. Let's suppose I'm a pro shooting a National Geographic spread on Italy. How do those guys/ladies by-pass the x-ray of their film at the international airports, especially during these times of terrorist bombing threats? Do they? I'd feel much more comfortable if there's a stream of responses that assure me that my Velvia will suffer no streaking effects. Thanks to all who respond.

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First, you NEVER put your unprocessed film in CHECKED luggage, since

the new InVision CTX 5000 x-ray machines used to scan checked luggage

WILL cause streaking.




Second, you ask for hand inspection of your film. In theory,

this should not be a problem in the USA where according to FAA

regulations, this is a right. In practice, I've found that cut sheet

film can be problematic. Options are to come plenty of time in

advance and discuss, bring a changing bag, or carry film boxes on

you (without the foil wrappers which sometimes set the metal

detector). There are some European airports where they insist on

x-raying everything anyway.




Third, with a moderate amount of x-ray from MODERN machines (for

CARRY-ON scanning), you shouldn't see a significant degradation.

Howard Bond cites a 0.05 increase in the film-base+fog density of

TMAX 400 after 10 x-rays, and no change after 4-6 x-rays.

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NEVER put unprocessed film in checked luggage. The new machines are

murder on unprocessed film. The xray machines at security

checkpoints inside the airport should be OK for the one or two that

refuse to hand inspect. Have the film packaged for travel so that it

is easy for the security people to open the bag, check that it is

just film and camera stuff, and put back in the bag without much

fuss. The last thing we want are pissed off security guards making

life difficult for the rest of us. Also, be prepared to have to

check the camera equipment. Some airlines are getting to be real

difficult about carryons and may only allow one SMALL bag on the

plane. This will HAVE to be the film. So have a bag for the film,

and one that can be locked and checked if need be. I usually have

mine organized so that I can pull out a small bag from a side pocket

for film and my laptop. Even a cheap nylon backpack or tote will do.

Good luck.

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First of all, pros shooting for Nat'l Geo shoot 35mm, and those

canisters are easier to hand-inspect at the carry-on baggage station.

You are shoting large format. Put yourself in the position of a person

who has:

-Never seen a large format film box or holder

-gets paid US $8.00/hr to return keys and sunglasses to passengers in

a little basket

-Is being told "You can't look inside this box, nor can you put it

through the Xray machine."




By now my point should be fairly clear...you have to plan before doing

this. Good forethought on your part.




You have some options with Large-format film, some of which have been

explained in this forum before. (did you search?) Unfortunately, it

has been my experience with many airports (even when travelling

domestic) that the low-paid personnel at the carry-on check station

simply do not give a damn and will refuse to present any options to





First option: Ship your film to a trusted agent at your destination

ahead of time, and back to another trusted agent who will return it to

you when you come home.

Minuses to this approach: Shipping company loses film, trusted agent

isn't, FedEx leavs film on doorstep in rain, or Xrays the package





Second option: Shoot readyload/quickload. This allows you to actually

-open- the film box for inspection at the carry-on luggage inspection


-Minuses to this approach: Additional investment and learning curve in

new film loading system, usual readyload/quickload foibles.




Third option: Shoot and process at your destination. You'll be in the

ay area, and among others, Calypso imaging in San Jose offers Kodak

QLab E6 processing with a standard 4-hour turnaround 60 minutes from

SFO airport. (www.calypsoinc.com) They have never failed me. As far as

I know, the only problem you'll have transporting _processed_ film in

checked luggage is losing it.

-Minuses to this approach: Time and technicality.




These three are the most obvious options for me, and others may have

additional thoughts. Entrusting your film to the airport/airline

security crush or trying to bring an unopenable box of exposed film

back home are both bad ideas.




Congrats on the Wisner. Beautiful camera. Sexy red bellows!




(If I may offer a bit of advice as well, the wine country light is

actually rather blah this time of year, unless you get up _very_ early

in the morning. You may also want to experience the pacific coast at

Bodega Bay, about an hour's

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I believe I posted an "answer" to this at the beginning of the month

under the heading "Airport Security and large Format" or something.

It details my experiences going through O'hare with an 8 X 10 kit and

loaded holders. However, all the answers you really need have been

posted already.

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I'm going off topic here. Congratulations! Wisner Expedition - the

most beautiful camera ever made - anyone want to argue that?




Best wooden camera, and 2nd most beautiful camera ever made - Wisner

Pocket Expedition - don't bother to argue this, because I won't defend

this opinion. Anyone seen those ugly black and silver versions, yet?

Is Ron going nuts?




Kevin, just stick with Quickloads and you'd be fine, good luck.

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I'd have to agree with the responses so far. Having your stuff

checked by hand is safest but make sure you allow yourself extra

time. I've had to sit and watch security poke through my stuff (they

have no idea what there looking for) a number of times. I used to

put my film in a Film Shield before I was told by someone that for

domestic flights anything under 400 ASA is o.k. to put through

security x-ray (walk through). For the past 5 years I have been

letting my film (mostly Velvia & Provia) go through their little

machines and have had no streaking. I've done this at O'hara and

about 10 other airports across the country without incident.

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  • 1 year later...

On a recent trip to europe, the airport personel insisted on putting

my film through the x-ray, the exact words were leave it here or put

it through. This was only 35mm too! I shoot large format at home and

I was wondering this myself, until I met a professional

photojournalist on the plane. He shoots 4x5 whenever he can and all

he did with his box of 100 exposed sheets was put it into a lead bag,

he had no trouble. But then again I've heard of people with lead bags

coming back from africa, their bag got pulled out of their carry-ons

opened and put back through the x-ray. Sufficed to say their protests

fell on deaf ears.

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  • 2 years later...
Under the Code of Federal Regulations, film doesn't have to be x-rayed in US airports (except maybe film backs)! It does not matter what speed it is. It can all be hand checked if you like. Here is how to avoid the X-ray machine Check my page on it! Here is your definate answer to x-raying in airports. There are links to all the relevant regulations for printing along with an explanation of the federal structure and tips to make things go easier: <a href="http://home.kc.rr.com/aaronphoto/xray.html">http://home.kc.rr.com/aaronphoto/xray.html</a>
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