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2ND GO ROUND...- Website Feedback


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Hello everybody...again...lol


I took some of your guys advice and did a face lift to my website. For now,

it is the only one I have up and running, I am talking to a guy to put my

flash site together, but at the moment we are having conflicting schedules.

So, this is as professional as it will get for now. Please take a look and

let me know what you think, and if there is anything else you think I should

change. Thank you all so much for your recent help.




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Hi there Gwen,


I appreciate the initial page I see.


However, I do think that the "About Photographer" sounds odd (Should it read "About the Photographer"? or "About Gwen"?), and that this paragraph is very difficult to read - it is very wordy. I re-read each sentence twice, and then again out loud. It does not sit well with me...


Otehrwise, I do like the layout of the home page itself.

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I am glad you mentioned the about photographer paragraph, my husband wrote it for me, and I to thought maybe I should change the wording bit, but didn't want to hurt his feelings, he said he worked really hard on it, so I figured I would see what the feedback was on it, and go from there. Thank you for taking the time to view my site and comment it.
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Assuming this is just a temporary solution pending your mtg with the designer, I'd lose all the about verbiage on your home page. It just distracts from that beautiful image. And why the selective color? It looks like the original image was beautiful. Set up your "about" info on a separate page.


And lose the green type. Makes it look like some tech site rather than a photographer's site, IMO.


And is all you offer an economy package? Also, I think using a term like that makes you work seem cheap, as is low quality. That's a term for small car rentals. Give it some cute name like your "bouquet package". Then I would add additonal levels.



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Glad you added the "view galleries" link on the left side. That makes it easier to find your portfolio. I don't think it's necessary to make the link the actual URL of the photostockplus website - just hyperlinking something like "click here" might look nicer.


I still think you need to change the word "shoots" on the portfolios...just something simple like "photos" (or just "weddings," "children," "maternity") would make a big difference.


I agree that the intro paragraph is wordy. A better use of the first page of the site would be something like a slideshow of your best pictures - that would make an impact, as that's what people want to see when they visit a photography website.


The very first thing that hit me, though, is the very first word...it's spelled "persistent," not "persistant."


Hope this helps.



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Hello all, Thank you so much for your helpful tips, I followed I think pretty much all of them. They were all great advice. One of the bad things about this particular site is I am very limited on what I can do, like I cant change that green writing, I didn't like it either, so I just took it off completely and added my slogan further down. I dont think I can do a hyperlink either, if I can I have absolutely no idea how to. The good news is I should have my flash site up and running within the month, I am sooo excited about that. I will keep you all posted on how that goes. Oh, and Jen, I totally misunderstood you the first time about the shoot phrase...lol, I went into all the verbage and changed it there, and didn't think to do the folers...lol yeppers, them roots are still blonde no matter what color I dye it...lol but I changed them all now. You have been great with all of your advice, thank you very much.
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