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I jsut ordered a nikon d80 got a really good deal I thought. I got the d80 and

nikkor 18-70mm and 70-300mm lenses. The salesman called me and tried to get me

to trade up to sigma lenses 17-50 and 70-300mm and adding other stuff to the

package. He said that the Nikon lenses are plastic and the sigma lenses are

glass, better, and lighter.


When I told him that the package is way out of my budget he talked me into the

D70s saying it was the same camera in some ways better and talking about the

pics not being that much different unless blowing up to poster size.


the questions:

Are Sigma lenses better than Nikon?

Is there such a thing as a plastic lens and does Nikon make one?

Is the D70s better than the D80 or is it basickly the same?

Does the D80 take black and whites?


Looking for help soon thinking about telling them to go back to my original

order before it goes through so i have to call early tomorrow.


Also is there a difference in the batteries, one being better than others?

or the chargers for that matter?


thanks in advance

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The D80 is a much better camera. Some lens <i>housings</i> are made with tough plastic masterials in order to save on the price (over lightweight metal allows). The less expensive lenses are not junk, they're just not pro lenses.


All cameras can take black and white images - you just convert to B&W after the fact in software, or use the camera's native mode to do that (I prefer after the fact, myself).


Personally, I wouldn't consider the "upgrade" he's offering you to be anything other than a way for them to clear out older inventory and make more money on the sale. Stick with the D80 and Nikon lenses.

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The salesman didn't call for benevolent reasons, nor are they looking out for your best interests. They are trying to get you to change your order so they can earn more profit for themselves. Stick to the order that you want, or, better yet, cancel the order and purchase the equipment from a reputable dealer. You can certainly find recommendations here on photo.net. In a nutshell, they are trying to scam you.
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You fell for the typical scam! We have said this many times, if the deal is too good to be true it is....... The sales guy is trying to make you buy over prized items and he will probably tell you that the camera comes with Korean menues only, or that the batteries are not included, etc. etc. Do yourself a favor and cancel - you will most likely get an ear-full from them, but stay firm and cancel - if you don't, you will either never see the camera or end up paying way more than you would have at B&H to begin with.
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This is a version of the old "bait and switch". Check the seller's bona fides here and on resellerratings.com. Expect to be shocked.


You should be prepared to cancel your order and to advise your card issuer that any charges put through by the seller after that will be fraudulent.


Then order from one of the relative handful of reputable online sellers, whose names you can easily uncover in moments by searching here.

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hi William ...


*** CANCEL *** the order and purchase from one of these REPUTABLE dealers:


* Adorama


* B & H


* RitzCamera


* Berger Bros.


you're a victim of the typical scamming bait-n-switch tactics dealer.


warm regards, michael

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Are Sigma lenses better than Nikon?


Generally, no. The best Nikon lenses are better than the best Sigma lenses.


Is there such a thing as a plastic lens and does Nikon make one?


Yes, cheap toy cameras and cell phone lenses are made from plastic. However Nikon does not make plastic lenses for their SLRs.


Is the D70s better than the D80 or is it basickly the same?


D80 is much better in almost every aspect. More megapixels, bigger LCD screen, improved processing engine, better support for the CLS system.


Only thing that the D70s does better is flash sync and maybe metering. But metering issue is debatable. D70 also has support for Compact flash, that issue is also debatable.


Does the D80 take black and whites?


Yes, but its better to take the pictures in color and convert it later on your computer.


Also is there a difference in the batteries, one being better than others? or the chargers for that matter?


Nikon has two versions of the battery that fits the D70s. It has the EN-EL3 and the EN-EL3e. The EN-EL3e is the better version.


I hate to break it to you. But you got scammed. I would call and cancel the order and call your credit card company and file a complaint if they refuse to cancel and even file a complaint with the attorney generals office.



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The only thing I can add are:

[1] The D80 comes with a Nikon battery and charger. If they are charging you extra for this, run!


[2] The D70s -- great camera -- is not better than the D80. Moreover, it is discontinued. They are just trying to dump inventory on you.


There are at least a couple posts like this every week. Sometimes it's charging extra for things that should be included, sometimes it is switching bodies/lenses, sometimes just talk of high pressure. In the end, it's the same.


Do yourself a favor. Cancel the order and go elsewhere, even if it costs a little more. If you are like most, you will forever be disappointed if you let this order go through.

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Read the thread below titled "Nikkor vs. Sigma lenses" dated 3/27/07. The situation is practically the same as yours.


In the future when a salesman (photography related or otherwise) calls you in an attempt to change an order you already made for something 'better', don't fall for it. Its not as bad as when the General Barrister of the Nigerion Central Bank e-mails you about mailing you a two million dollar check but its bad enough.

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be careful in general with online orders. i ordered my D50 from adorama last year, and the day i placed the order some guy from adorama called and tried to sell me a bogus warranty. He told me he was calling "to confirm my order" and then launched into a sales routine. I made sure not to give him any information until i verified his employment with them, and I will never order from Adorama again after that experience.


I am also currently locked in a battle with B&H because they shipped an order to me AFTER i told them to cancel it. So they charged my credit card and shipped it, now i'm trying to get them to pay for return shipping just so i can get them to refund the charge on the card. the whole thing is giving me an ulcer. I have threatened to contact the credit card company and challenge the charge, but they don't seem too worried. I'd say that even those big NY stores are looking to screw youu from a few thousand miles away should they get the chance. don't let them.


regards and good luck,



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This is the classic bait and switch. I don't even have to ask but I would guess you bought from broadway photo. There are a lot of rip off artists out there and they are one of them. Actually they run under about 5 different names. I would call and cancel my order with them if I were you. They are basically trying to sell you crappier lenses that will make them more money. If you ever notice at sites like that they try to rip your head off on the accessories. You may get the camera cheap but they will clobber you on the accessories. Companies like this have been reported on numerous occasions to the BBB for overcharging peoples credit cards or if you don't buy their accessories they will not send the product they will just say it's now on back order even though their website says it's in stock. You may pay a little more but you will be way better off in the long run going with someone reputable like B&H or Adorama.
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Regarding the plastic Nikon lenses, there is SOME truth to it. The truth is twisted by the NYC shyster, but here is the kernal of truth from Nikon.



<B><I>Aspherical lens elements</b></i><p>

Nikon introduced the first photographic lens with aspherical lens elements in 1968. What sets them apart? Aspherical lenses virtually eliminate the problem of coma and other types of lens aberration ? even when used at the widest aperture. They are particularly useful in correcting the distortion in wideangle lenses. In addition, use of aspherical lenses contributes to a lighter and smaller lens design.

Nikon employs three types of aspherical lens elements. Precision-ground aspherical lens elements are the finest expression of lens-crafting art, demanding extremely rigorous production standards. Hybrid lenses are made of a special <B>plastic</B> molded onto optical glass. Molded glass aspherical lenses are manufactured by molding a unique type of optical glass using a special metal die technique.

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> John Schroeder, on Mar 28, 2007; 11:52 p.m., asked:


> Doesn't anyone ever buy from a local camera store anymore!


i only shop for small items or, for example, backdrops.


why? because my local camera store(s) charges full retail *PLUS* tax. the savings alone on the tax is enough incentive to order remotely.


regards, michael

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You guys are great. Thanks much for the help. I was going to jsut have them go back to teh original order and send that one because it was only going to be $880.00 for the above mentioned package. I was out of my budget even for that one but was willing to do it cus of the deal. I have sende canceled the credit card before they were able to put the request in. Now i have to make the 4 hr drive to get another one so I'm not with out cash. Now they have called back whining about the card being declined. That is one for the good guys. The company was CCI Camera City so get the word out about those crooks. There is tons of info on the web about them just wish I had not gotten blinded by the good deal and not looked at it sooner. But many thanks for the advice guys
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I'm terrified and stunned. You had enough money to drop on a $1,800 camera setup, yet you didn't do enough research about the camera and lenses, to know if the store was pulling a fast one on you? AND, with all that money burning a hole in your pocket, you didn't happen to look into the company that you were buying from, online? You didn't even know what the difference was between a D70s and a D80?


If I were you, I'd do some serious soul searching, to see if you're ready for a camera in that price range.


You're LUCKY they weren't able to charge your card - you were about to get scammed big. These companies feed on people who don't research what they're buying and who make extremely impulsive purchases.


Congrats on missing the big scam, but having to learn your lesson that way is what keeps companies like that in business.



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