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SB-4 not working with Viv285HV


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I bought two SB-4s for my 283 and 285HV flashes. I got the 283 to work, but I

can't get the SB-4s to power the 285HV. I even tried the SB-4 that works with

the 283, and powered the 285HV with NiMH batteries to make sure it worked.


Any thoughts why it wouldn't be working?


I noticed the on/off switch won't shift when the SB-4 is attached to the 283,

but it slides back and forth on the 285HV.


The SB-4 comes with out a manual, and I've had the 283 for 20 years. Bought

the 285HV from Central Camera about a year ago. Maybe time for a new 285HV and

use the not powered one for catch lights or washing out backgrounds.




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I'm not sure about the 283 but the 285 still must have batteries in it when using the SB-4 because some of the electronics use battery source only. It's not clear from your post if you already knew that or not. If so, never mind...
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I didn't know that! When I was researching the problem someone had mentioned having the batteries in at the same time, but that seemed odd.


I actually tried it, but I thought the power was coming from the batteries then, not the SB-4.


How long do the batteries last then, almost forever?


Thanks Rick!



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Ah, I found the 285HV manual online. It says the flash has to be in the off position with batteries in it to use the SB-4. The batteries must be in for some syncronization thingy.


You must have batteries to use the AC adaptor. Really odd.

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I am wondering the same thing with the 285/SB-4 that I got today.

I don't think it is actually working properly, sounds like your 283 has an interlock and switches over to the SB-4 when you plug it in. Per the directions it would appear that the switch should be in the 'off'position to run from the SB-4 (regardless of there being batteries in it). If the switch is off there's no activity at all.

Hmmmmmmm, perhaps something needs to go back here.

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Well if I set my flash to off, it's off. All my manual says about the subject is:


"IMPORTANT NOTE: When using the HVP-1, PPG-1 or SB-4 power sources, four fresh AA alkalines or one properly charged NC-3 battery pack must be in the flash unit to operate the synchronization circuit."


So, put in batteries, plug in SB-4, turn it on and shoot. To know if your SB-4 is doing it's job use the flash on batteries until the recycle time becomes annoying, then plug in the SB-4. You'll notice the recycle time drops to very brief.

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Thats just it -- there is no cycle time difference between SB-4 plugged in and not plugged in. Additionally, the instructions indicate the switch should be in the off position (the implication being if the SB-4 is plugged in that it will always supply power).

Not the case with mine. I see no improvement in cycle time, and no indication that the SB-4 is doing anything. It does supply ~200+ volts though.

I tried contacting Vivitar via email, no response yet.

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