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Workflow help for high volume, low art event


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Scenerio: Shooting beauty pageant contestants from 12 months to 20 years old in

front of a simple backdrop. Ideally a close-up and full body shot of each

(depending on age). Thinking 5 poses max. This would be similiar to a prom where

you catch people on the fly as the enter/exit ballroom.


Problem: I need to maximize the amount of contestants I can successfully

photograph in a short period time. (Think 30 babies, toddlers, teens standing in

a photo line in their pageant dresses.) Looking for any advice for building a

workflow that allows each contestant to quickly view/select photos, order and

then pay.


I don't have the printers (unfortunately) to do any on-site printing. So all

photos would be pre-paid and then mailed out within 10 days.


My preference would be to print out some kind of contact sheet with poses rather

than having them view images on screen.


Any advice is much appreciated! Am I crazy to even try this?!

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First, you are crazy to do this. :) And I just speak from experience with my and husband shooting hockey tournaments and printing on site.


However, your venture sounds easier, and here are a few tips:


- you should have two/three laptops with 3 large monitors, with no less than 2 persons working the stations and taking orders and money.


- For this particular venture, you should have specific hours as to when you are shooting in order buy some down time to download the images. i.e. 9am - 11am, 12noon - 2pm


* So what will happen is this: after that first round of photos are downloaded at 11am and put into their repective file, your sellers can begin playing a slideshow which people will stop to look at, want to participate in themselves, and parents who had their kid's photo taken, will know when to come back to view. And while they are attending to prospective customers, you continue to shoot.


- Have prepared many order forms which include customer's information such as address, number, email, and file number they are purchasing along with size of photo they want - and to make it easier for you, just have two options: 5x7's or 8x10's.


- you should have prepared on your laptops as many files as there are times you are shooting. i.e. when a parent comes to ask if they can see their kid, your helper will ask what time they had their photo taken, then scroll through that file to find the kid, and they can pick their pose to order up front.


- Have business cards on hand so people can have YOUR info, and it will make them more comfortable with handing over money for something they do not have yet.


- Some may ask for a receipt. Have on hand pre-printed slips with something like:


_______________ has paid ____________ for photos purchased from (Your business) at the (Event), (date).


(Your Signature)


- Also have your clients mention you cane edit if they feel the picture is too soft or not zoomed in enough etc., and then have your helpers take down the specifics that the parent wants edited.


- Too minimize costs for yourself afterwards, I am a big proponant of emailing images at the highest resolution. This will save on mailing and printing costs. And charge the same as a print.


Any other questions, contact me at kouellette4@cogeco.ca


Good Luck!

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Fantastic advice about e-mailing images! Never thought about that.


My first choice would be to have viewing stations. But as I mentioned before, my customers here are about 600 pageant moms and I don't expect quick decision making from this group. I'm trying to avoid long lines standing at computers.


To clarify, I plan to have at least one printer with me. After I take about 5 poses of each contestant, I would quickly print out a contact sheet, hand them an order form/contact sheet, direct them to my sales table and on to the next contestant.


Is onscreen viewing better? Or any software recommendations for printing immediate contact sheets after each person? Any advice for shooting right to the hard drive so I don't have the step of downloading from cards? Thanks again everybody.

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