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I recently found a local lab that scans on a Durst Sigma scanner. The lab has a

very good reputation and the price per scan is maybe 75 percent higher than a

Nikon 9000 scan (that I'd have to mail away for). I searched around and could

not find much feedback on the quality of the Sigma versus the Nikon or a drum

scan. I assume a drum scan would be superior but costs more than twice the price

of the Sigma scan. I'd be interested in knowing any of your experiences with

this scanner and how it compares or if you were satisfied with the quality. I

want to print at about 20 by 24 from 6x7 slides and negatives.


Specific prices~ 13 dollars for a Nikon scan, 20 dollars for a Sigma scan, 50

dollars for a drum scan.



Thanks so much,



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where are you located? if LA or NY, you can hire Imacon scanners and get a very good quality scan which will cost you $4 per scan. Some pro labs in London has this durst sigma and drum scanner together. they scan up to 80mb files with sigma but i never tried it. I think there wont be much difference btw Nikon and Sigma scan. So I guess Nikon would be better in your case.
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The Nikon and Sigma scanners are both ccd scanners, so the underlying image capture technology is basically the same. However, the Sigma scanners cost 10x what the Nikon scanner does - the Nikon looks like a toy next to it. The film carriers for the Sigma are top notch, really hold the film flat, whereas the standard Nikon carriers are junk - a glass carrier must be used. The Sigmas have built in compressed air cleaning before the scan, and the scan times are about 10x faster than the Nikon. The Sigma software is way better than the Nikon software, at least for negatives. Some of the Sigma scanners have Fuji's image intelligence software implemented - you'd have to ask your lab. I think the Sigma gives smoother looking scans - the Nikon seems to exagerate the grain, possibly because of the differences in the optical systems.



You may get good results from the Nikon, but I can assure you that it will take the operator MUCH longer to produce those scans, for less money. It is cheap enough to do a comparison test and judge for yourself.

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