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Pentax 67 + MLU = no exposure on my film?

juan cohen

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i might be dreaming or tripping, but i just have to ask...

i shot 2 rolls of hp5+ well exposed and everything, i am new with my pentax 67 but i have always used

medium format.

the questions is:

when i came down to ICP to process my film (using PMK Pyro) after i took it out of the fix i realize that the

film was not expose at all, the roll came out totally clear onlye with the numbers on. I am very carefull

mixing my chemistry, but even if i wasnt, i assumed that i should always, at least get some kind of image

on the negs. So ok, to make a story short, the 2 rolls were shot using the mirror lock up, Do you think my

camera has a problem with it? I JUST CANT FIGURE IT OUT !

PS: i have had that camera for about 2 months now, exposed a lot of film, but this problem has happened

about 6 times already, i just got fed up with it and decided to get help from whoever wants to help me.

this is totally not cool.

Thanks a million for your imput... believe me it would be truly appreciate it !


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Would you happen to be using a LS--leaf shutter lens? I ask because it happened to me when shooting a test roll before buying my Pentax 67. The guy in the store put a 90mm LS lens on it, shot the roll and gave it to me to develop. Needless to say the negs came out blank--completely clear. The cause was a leaf shutter lens that was closed--and thought to be open and the camera shutter to be working. Just a thought--but I don't know if you're using a leaf shutter lens. There's a downloadable manual for the P67 at pentaximagingusa.com with the procedure for setting the camera shutter speeds for using a leaf shutter lens. Good luck
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Try firing the camera with the back open, or with the lens removed to see if the shutter is actually opening. When these cameras wear out, they often have advance or shutter failures. Every few thousand frames, due to the size of the parts involved, they unfortunately need servicing.
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Mr. Alexander gisoldi aparently you are hitting it right on the spot... i am using the

90mm LS and that might be the problem ! Since i got it i thought the leaf shutter

wasnt not working since i couldnt cock it (probably cuz i had no film inside?) so i

always move the mechanism here and there just to see if i get it to work, aparently i

left the leaf closed by playing around, NOW, how do i get it open?

You just made me life mr. gisoldi.


PS: Thanks a million steve, the shutter curtain does open and advances.


PS2: how much will it cost me to send it for a general lubing and check up?

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Hope the manual helps. I bought the 165mm that isn't a leaf shutter lens. Here's and old thread that should help


no biggie - you just set the shutter speed on the body to 1/8 sec, cock the leaf shutter, adjust speed/aperture, focus and shoot like normal. here is a link to the manual for the 165mm leaf shutter lens that describes the procedure - http://www.pentaximaging.com/files/product/67_LS_165mm_f4_Lens.pdf

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The 90 mm Leaf Shutter requires cocking for each picture, and does not care if there is a film in the camera or not. However to release both shutters, that is the focal plane and the Leaf Shutter, you must have film in the camera, or else the focal plane shutter would not operate.


Unless your lens is damaged, I cannot imagine how it could cause your problem? Did you cock the Leaf Shutter for taking each picture ? Or you perhaps did not since you just discovered that the LS lens was used ?


The position of the lens U/S lever on the lens does not matter, as it should operate as normal lens if the LF shutter in the lens is not cocked.


I do not believe the Leaf Shutter is closed, since when you were focusing and taking pictures you could see through the Leaf Shutter lens open, right? If the LS is not cocked, it cannot operate and remains open (unless damaged ?), and cannot close itself causing your problem.


To test the LS lens take it off the camera and try U/S lever in both positions, and cock the lens Leaf Shutter, and release it (take the picture with lens only - no camera used - not really a picture), by sliding a bit the aperture lever on the back of the LS lens when the lens is removed from camera. You can certainly confirm that the LS lens is open (or not), and if it operates or not.


Your LS lens operates a bit like a Large Format camera lens, but also has the Auto Aperture level and switch, but that has nothing to do with your problem.


If your LS lens test is OK, then you know that the in camera Focal Plane Shutter is damaged.


I guess you will discover how to cock the Leaf Shutter in your lens, by rotating the 2 extruded tabs on both (opposite )sides of the barrel. (The same like shown in the 165/LS Manual - if you can see anyhting on the bad pictures ?).


I only have the 90 mm LS lens and it works OK with 2X tele converter, using the built-in Leaf Shutter, and giving me effective 180/5.6 for flash synchronization at all Leaf Shutter speeds, 1/500sec, 1/250, and so on. Therefore I totally do not understand Pentax statement (in 165 LS lens Manual that the link provided by Alexander), that with the Leaf Shutter should not be used with tele-converter or extension tubes.


I use Leaf Shutter all the time with 2x tele converted, and with Auto extension tubes on Pentax 6x7 camera, to avoid camera shake caused by mirror, and to sync fast flash. I wonder what Pentax was thinking? - perhaps Japanese to English translation?.

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  • 2 months later...

I am having a problem like this now, too. When the bottom switch is set to U, nothing exposes, leaf shutter or otherwise. Instead, the aperture closes down ENTIRELY while the exposure is supposed to be made.


Also, as for MLU with Leaf shutter lens. I must be doing something wrong. I used it successfully before, but now the leaf shutter is being fired by the mirror lock up. I can only assume this is not normal. Advise?

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