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Attend meeting with bride to videographer?

katie b. - maine

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I have a bride coming up to Maine this weekend from NY, she is also meeting

with a tentative videographer. (I've already booked the wedding) I've never

worked with a videographer before. And being still new to the state I'm still

working on networking with vendors here. Would it be unprofessional/weird to

ask the bride if I go could with her to her meeting? I was thinking it would

be a nice way to network, and also learn more about how the videographer works

and how we could work together the day of the wedding. Any input would be

appreciated. Thank you!!

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Hey katie

Seems like a good idea as long as the Bride is ok with it and you don't gang up on the videographer. OR you might wait till she decides on who she wants and then you meet to organzie how you can work well together.

When I have an event with a videographer I have not worked with before I always try to at least speak by phone just to clarify style and sort out the logistics of the day. I have strong feelings about when it is too distracting to have the video be involved-formals of the bride and groom and immediate family so I make that clear.


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I would wait until she books the videographer and then talk to the videographer. Before she books the videographer I would make it clear to her that there will be no video running during the formals. I know of a photographer who puts this in his contract.


Talking to the videographer has had mixed results for me. Sometimes it works and sometimes it is about as useful as talking to a chair.

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...and some videographers actually WANT you to appear in some of the footage. Get that clear up front or you'll both be doing a bit of unneccesary scurrying about. Likewise the bride and/or the videographer might like a shot or two that includes the guy running the video camera.
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I wouldn't go with them on the meeting. Personally, I would find ita bit odd that a videographer would come to one of my Show-n-Tell sessions with the bride for my photography. There's no need for them to sit in while I discuss albums, prints, etc, and do you really need to know how they edit?


Once they have the videography selected, you could call them and either go over things on the phone, or plan on meeting at that point.

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If you want to network, I would think that it would be better for you to go to meet the videographer BEFORE the client does, that way the videographer will remember that YOU sent them there (sort of...).


working with a videographer is easy, just tell them "Hey, I have never worked with a videographer before - what should I know?". most will be happy to give you the low down.



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Hm, I really don't think it would be appropriate. How would YOU feel if another vendor -

who was already booked by the bride - came with the bride to YOUR first meeting with

her? That just sounds icky.


Instead, get his info from the bride, and get in touch with him. Send him a nice e-mail or

ring him up and say, "hi, I'm so-and-so's photographer... I'm kind of new in town and

wanted to introduce myself... I hope we get to work together, but regardless of what

happens, could we possibly exchange cards so I could refer to you in the future and vice



Then send him a nice packet of info and a stack of cards and hope that he passes your

name around.

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You shouldn't go with here, but make sure the bride knows that if the videographer stands in

the isle in front of you during the ceremony she will have few photos to choose from.


Get priority for shooting.


If you end up shooting with an aggressive video person you'll have headaches and your

product will suffer.

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