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Annoying vertical streaks in film (B&W and COLOR)

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I recently took a trip to India. I was shooting with a Zorki 6 and two lens, a

summitar normal and a Jupiter 12. I shot mostly b&w but a few color rolls as

well. I'm in the middle of processing them, but I find that the majority (60 -

70%) of what I shot has these irritating vertical red streaks (grey in B&W)

along the left-side of the frames. Why is this happening?? Does this mean my

camera isn't lighttight? That the lenses aren't compatible?? HELP!!!!!!

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Check also the Film Window (which displays the film cassete). These windows can let light through when the window becomes losse or the insulation surrounding the fitting decays.


On some cameras, the entire door assemply must be replaced. My R9's door was replaced free of charge by Leica USA last year.


Exposed film looked almost identical to your example.



Bob in Seattle

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