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Replacing my Nikon Coolpix 54000


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My old Nikon Coolpix 5400 serves me quite well, but it's starting to feel a bit old and tired lately. I am

looking around for something new. I've been a Nikon user for over ten years now (801, F70, F80, F3, D100

and CP5400), so these cameras feel very comfortable for me.






if I replace my 5400, the new camera must have some of the 5400's unique features (no, not the slooow

image processing ;o)



-wide angle lens (at least 28mm)


-tilting LCD screen


-manual aperture, shutter speed, ISO etc settings


-RAW capability


-built in flash with (limited) manual adjustment




I've tried searching a few sites, but nothing really came up. Does anyone has some good advise regarding

my search? As I said above, I am a long time Nikon user, but my new camera doesn't have to be a Nikon.


Thanks a lot!



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Why don't you stick with Nikon and check their current production line and the compatibiulity of their Wide-angle adaptor which people used with the 5000 and 5400 to give 18mm equivalent field of view.

Nikon MUST have caught up with the field for speed of operation by now :-)

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Thanks for your comments! The Fuji S9100 and Sony DSC-R are both too bulky for me. I like

that the 5400 is relatively small. And I sure can live without one or two of my 'required'

features. Iguess a tilt-swivel lcd screen might not be as needy as they were a few years ago

(viewing angle and increased size ar better now). But the wide angle and manual controls are

essential. What about the Ricoh GR (no zoom, but 28mm equiv, RAW and manual settings)?

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