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Images not sharp enough...have I bought a pig in a poke?


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I have recently got a 2nd hand D1X ( not the best idea I've had I know)sO far

I am unhappy with the clarity and sharpness of the images...I used D70 before

and found it OK. I'm not sure if I have a problem that needs repairing ie send

it for a service, or it's something simple I'm missing out on.May just be

shutter shake but with or without a tripod Ive never got the level of

sharpness to match the D70. I need to know if i am to ditch the camera and cut

my losses......put it down to experience etc but before I do anyone any ideas

of what to try?

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Your D70 had more megapixels, so possibly you may not get the same sharpness with D1X, if using the same lens and technique.


However, the D1X is a fine camera, and should produce sharp pictures. Possibly the 2nd hand camera may have a problem ?


You need to test it on a tripod - to eliminate motion blur, and in Manual focus mode - to eliminate out of focus problem. I assume the lens is sharp on it's own - but you may need to try a different lens on your D1X, or your lens on a different camera ?


Then perhaps if the problem persists, time to repair or return the camera.

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Okay, next we need to see two samples taken with both cameras and the same lens and same settings of the same scene with a tripod.


My guess without further information is that your D1x has some sort of focusing issue. To isolate this the test shot should be focused on something middle range with OOF focus in front and back and a high contrast target in-focus.

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Anthony, I no longer have access to the D70 hence the purchase of the D1x. so unable to take comparable photos from each.What I will do is take a mid range test shot as you suggest on a tripod.

Could it be that the sensor just needs cleaning etc and am I right in assuming this is a specialist job?


By the way thanks to all you guys.....great response, its appreciated

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Cleaning the sensor is not a specialist job (for most of us). However, it has nothing to do with sharpness or focusing.


Take your test shot and contact Nikon Service on Monday about an estimate for adjusting the AF module (it's a software adjustment and does require a specialist).

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Have you tried using the D1X with in-camera sharpening set to "Off" and then sharpen in post-processing? My understanding is that this is the optimum way to use cameras such as the D1X. The later, more consumer-oriented Nikon DSLRs are a different story. You also might want to check out some of the D1X postings on nikonians.org for more information.
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The D1X is really a fine camera. Can I ask what lens you are using? Wondering if the lens is perhaps the problem. I've enlarged up to 20X30 without any issues at ASA 100. I'm sure the focus issues can be fixed by Nikon, but may not be worth the price, but they offer a free estimate. Anyway, if you cut your losses the D200 is great and not too expensive as an upgrade. If interested I'm toying with letting my D1X go as I want a 3rd D2X. It has very little use, perhaps 5 weddings only. Email me if interested.
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Opps, actually I think the lowest ASA setting is 125, not 100. Yep, Anthony, I have this weird fear that if I'm shooting a wedding and the main camera dies, well I do to the back up, my other D2X. When shooting with that the fear is what if that craps out too. Therefore I still own the D1X and haven't used in in 3 years or so. I keep the batteries charged and fire a few shots every month or 2 just to make sure the body is working properly. It is a beast.So well built.
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Michael, I use Both Nikon and Sigma Lenses. Incidently the roadside pic you mentioned was taken on a Nikon 85mm 1.8 I wouldnt normally use this for such a shot but was attempting a narrow dof only, it does also show how non sharp the point of focus is ie centre of daffs and hedge.This has been sharpened after also.

People with horse pic was taken with Sigma 18-125mmm .All these images have also been sharpened post process to be just acceptable.pic of boat Sigma 18-125mmm,or child holding baby typical of soft focus.pic of 2 cygnets came from D70 straight as it is.(Sigma 18-70mm)

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Bob (Camarena) Lens info as above...I tended to use sigma 18-125mm as my standard but have tried the nikon 85mm because I tend to like to take low light portraits and was also thinking maybe the nikon lens would improve things....Have not tried sharpening set to off but trouble with sharpening in post processing it sharpens everything even the areas you didnt want it to. I will check out nikonians.org- Thanks
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Bob (Bernado)See Lens info also....not really tried enlarging but seem to have the size info and content etc. yes i am considering sending it too a nikon reoair centre...but also cutting my loss. this d1x cost me more than D200 Body as I was loking for the raw facility.

That was the choice I considered second hand older top of range or new mid range....anyone reading I now obviously feel "just go for new" as i was offered ?200 trade in now against new D200.Body that means ?700 loss to find that out- so with respect Bob definitely not interested in doing the same again.

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Anthony, Yes as you first mentioned I will take a test shot as you reccomended in fact I intend to take several now with sigma and nikon lens auto and manual then not do any sharpening at all in post process etc I will post one- a manual focus pic here.

I have a 50mm nikon prime lens and a sigma 10-20mm wide angle maybe an idea to see them also to try and find a common factor etc


Again Many Thanks to each of you....

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I've seen focus issues with mirrors being out of alignment. Can you see into the body if the mirror looks uneven? Can you lift the mirror (carefully) upwards to the top, of the body and see if both sides of the mirror are touching the body evenly, both, at the top and the bottom. Wondering if someone bent the mirror levers on either side to perhaps unjam the camera. This of couse could be the your problem. Just a few 1000th's of an inch, the thickness of a human hair could be a real problem. Good luck and let us know if the mirror looks ok. Bob
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