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Cutting film leaders- why ?


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You have to cut film leaders 10-12 cm in screwmount cameras because

there is no hinged film pressure plate. The extended leader allows

the film to be slipped between the guide rails and the pressure plate.

In the "olden days" film leaders were always longer so that wasn't a

problem. Now if you own and use a screwmount you either get the

scissors out OR buy a template trimmer for the leaders (which was

available from Leica and other sources at one point or other).

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If you do not trim your leaders, you run a high risk of breaking off

little chips of film. These little chips wander around and jam

themselves in various mechanisms of the camera. Film chips

are the number one cause for repair in LTM cameras. They also

cause a significant number of problems in M cameras too.

Always check your leaders when you unload. If bits are missing,

find them before they cause trouble.




Here is a website with a few loading tips for LTM cameras:









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