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Follow-Up to the Grey Spot on the Bottom of the M Lens Case

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Man, and I thought I had asked a dumb question, and would get back maybe a dozen identical answers to my inquiry! But instead, after reviewing 26 mostly hilarious responses from you good people, it seems that no one else knows for sure, with the exception of a few probable guesses. Maybe it warrants someone asking Mr. Erwin Puts. At least I think the small grey spot may actually be Leica's "circle of confusion"!




As for marking the bottom of the case so that the user doesn't open the case upside down - isn't the top of the case embossed with the "Leica" script? That should already be a guide. And as a means to write down the type of lens inside, at least for me, I don't have that many lens, don't carry around the leather case (too big for the camera bag), and wouldn't mar the case or the grey spot. Seems like Leica would have a better approach than asking the user to write this info down. Imagine, when you turn the case upside down to see what kind of lens you'd written there, the $2,000 28mm Summicron f/2 ASPH falls out from the unzipped top!




Leica could make the spot larger and darker if we were to actually use it as a true grey card.




Final question - Did Cosina/Voigtlander or the Konica Hexar RF copy the grey spot on their own lens cases? Ha!

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Why don't you follow up on all the musings originally posted to your

question and give Leica NJ a call or e-mail?




Better yet (and taking a cue from your e-mail address), why not hop

on that Harley and head for the Garden State? After all, Spring is





Breathlessly waiting for what you find out,





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I didn't reply to the original post bescause it seemed people were

having fun. But to carry on the thread as if it wasn't resolved is

ridiculous. The grey spot is for writing the lens type on, nothing

more, nothing less. Just wait and see, in a few years time there

will be Leica collectable market all of its own for 'marked'

and 'unmarked' cases.

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leica cuts corners by using the sam accessories for different lenses,

like the lenscases and some lenscaps, regardless if they fit or not.

the lenscap for the 35lux without the hood is a shame, or actually

all current lenscaps (except teh elmar's) are cheapest plastic and

not worth for the beauful lenses. i like the voigtlander metal ones!

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Although I use the grey spot to write the lens type on the case, it

may be that your "circle of confusion" observation is more accurate.




I can envision an elderly optical engineer with a devilish streak in

Solms saying to his cohorts, "You know, if we paint a gray dot on the

bottom of the lens cases, we'll have thousands of people wondering

what the dot is for, and spending untold hours discussing various


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