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Leica advert in Hermès store


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I was in the Hermès store here in Zürich yesterday and was given the Summmer catalog with my purchase. When I returned home and had a chance to page through it, I noticed a full page ad featuring Sebastian S.'s hands and an M6! How long until Leica is on the catwalk? or the must have item for fall on every fashion plate's neck? Or worse yet, being sold in Hermès boutiques!?
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So, what's your point. That you're some freaking fat slob, with

missing teeth, dressed in overall's and a ratty teeshirt? Couture has

very advent guard artists, and I'd much rather be associated with

them than some mindless, tasteless, boob like you. Enought said?

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If I remember correctly, shortly after Hermes acquired a large chunk of Leica stock, there was an article in the Marketplace section of

the Wall Street Journal predicting a marketing tie-in between the Hermes line and Leica consumer products, viz., a "selection" of

cameras and binoculars.

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Hello Reto. Leica's "fusion" with Hermes is well documented and no

doubt there are many opinions on this ..however,have any readers

considered Leica's early association with and marketing focus to

women when the Leica was a compact and chic tool ..for example,

extract from Lager literature on Cases and Accessories "The case for

the lady: Camera case of coloured calf-leather (uniformly coloured

green, red, lilac, dark brown and light brown, as well as chequered

browns). Codeword: Ektal " Regards.

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Sorry if I seemed harsh. I, for one, welcome the fusion of capital by

the beautiful people. I just think it's silly to keep these old myths

alive. That the Leica is just a fashion accessory bought by the very

rich, never to be used, but only worn around the neck as a fashion

statement. Having SS holding an M6 certainly dispels that myth. Last

spring, I was fortunate enough to purchased a absolutely mint Leitz

M6, as new, in the box. I was informed the warranty card had been

filled out and sent in, and the camera was put back in the box and

stored. The original strap was still in the box. Think I complained

about the fact it wasn't used. The body was flawless. Of course it

isn�t now. And that�s because I shoot with it almost every day. While

others carry a briefcase to work, I carry my �M Classics� bag, with

Leitz M6 + Elmar-M(and several rolls of film.) Collectors, for

whatever reason, play a vital role in the used Leica market, and we

as Leica users should appreciate that fact. Again, most of those

working in Couture, whether designers, models, photographers, makeup

artists, etc., are talented in there own right. The M certainly

belongs in the company of avant-garde, creative, fashion-forward

people. That alone should clue one in to the high esteem with which

the Leica M is held. It doesn't belong in the back of a garbage

truck, nor on the shelves of half of the camera shops I see.

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Glenn - I have no idea what point you are trying to make in either of

your posts here. The bottom line is Leicas belong anywhere Leica

thinks they can move product. One way or the other who cares - the

more exposure folks get the the camera the better for us all. The

stronger the sales, the stronger Leica will be.

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What's actually surprising is that since the Hermes/Leica anschluss,

Leica has not actually produced many 'fashion-plate' cameras - just the

revived Titanium/leather model. They HAVE introduced more

technological/optical innovation - M7, 21-35 R zoom, 15-R - all

probably paid for by Hermes' infusion of XXX million Deutschmarks or

Euros or whatever.




Here's a link to Steve Gandy's <a href="http://www.cameraquest.com/

classics.htm">CLASSICS</a> page - scroll down about halfway to find a

long list (with pictures) of what Leica was doing in the fashion line

long BEFORE Hermes came on the scene - blue cameras, red cameras, gold

cameras, etc.




If anything, Hermes bought into Leica because Leica was ALREADY a

fashion item for some people.

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  • 1 year later...

I for one think the Leica / Hermes connection is very possitive.

Aside from being a practical tool it has also always appealed to

those seeking quality and style. Think back to the Luxus from the

early thirties. And although the business aspect invariably plays

an important role, the Hermes connection also implies a

measure of respect and taste - something increasingly rare in

this raw age.

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