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F100 & AF 28-105 mm. D


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The lens is a variable-aperture zoom, which means the relative aperture varies with the zoom setting, decreasing 1 stop as the zoom goes from the wides to the longest setting. This information is communicated to the camera mechanically and via the D chip. When you use the command dial (on the camera), the mechanical setting of the lens is automatically adjusted to remain constant while zooming. I believe this feature is also one of the custom programming options.
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Hello everybody:

I have been taken photos with my F100 & AF 28-105mm D for more than 3 years. I

usually work in manual with the two camera?s wheels to modify the speed and

the aperture (f/). Once in a while I like to select the f/ number with the

ring that the lens already has, since F100 allow to change the f/ control from

the camera?s wheel to the aperture lens ring (custom No. 22=1).

However, I have noticed that, even though I establish manually a specific f/

number in the lens ring (supose F/8), it changes to the following one (supouse

f/11) when you move the zoom lens from wide to tele (or vice). I read this

change in the viewfinder. It does not happen when I work in manual controlling

the f/ and speed with the camera?s wheels (with custom No. 22=0).

Is this normal?

Thank you,


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