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Could Anyone Recommend a Good 'Lighting for Portrait Digital photographers' Book please


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Could Anyone Recommend a Good 'Lighting for Portrait Digital photographers'

Book please.


I am quite new to digital photographic lighting and just acquired my first

proper monolight kit. I got some weddings to do and need good (not too hard

going) book with plenty of lighting diagrams and easy explanations and examples.


Many thanks!

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Forget about 'digital'. Lighting is lighting, and whether you use film or digital to record the image is neither here nor there.


There are plenty of books on portrait photography, but if you're looking for lighting diagrams then, with respect, that's the wrong approach. Lighting to a forumulae is a bit like painting by numbers. It produces bland results.


Instead, use just one light, with just a standard reflector, and experiment with light position, camera height, pose and so on. In a few weeks time, when you've exhausted most of the possibilities, add a reflector and start again. Then add an umbrella, then swop it for a softbox, then add another light and so on.


You'll find some helpful info in the Lighting Themes, archived in this forum, but nothing beats experimenting.

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Thanks all for your comments. I did think of Garys suggestion and agree its a good idea. But someone like myself who is a complete novice when it comes to lighting I need some kind of reference or at least a pointer as to what other photographers are doing. I think lighting diagrams are what u make of them.. if want to follow them and apply no further thought then your result will be as they will be!

I like the idea of lighting diagrams as you can quickly copy them BUT then start to apply your own train of thought and experience.


Thanks again everyone.

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