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Instamatic Reflex

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I am the new home of a really nice Kodak Instamatic reflex. I missed my Rollei

SL26 and decided to see how well they compare (Eh! they don't really, but

that's a side issue) Can anyone tell me a decent substitute for the PX825

batteries and a source of 126 film so I can test thsi puppy properly.

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You can actually get those px825 batteries at PhotoBattery.com I think they are about $10 with free shipping. I was buying 126 film at JandC for years at about $4.50 a roll, but they are closed down until September, so now the only place I know of with 126 film is Frugal Photographer at about $7 per roll. Not exactly "frugal". Processing is available by mail at Vermont Color Lab, $8.95 postage paid both ways. The Instamatic Reflex is one of my favorite cameras and has been a faithfull friend over the past 20+ years. I'd be interested to hear how it stacks up to the Rollei.
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I use Instamatic 500 (And Kodak Instamatic reflex with jury-rigged batteries from Drug Store)


Frugal Photographer says the last run (forever!) of Ferania 126 is this month. This may also mean no more 126 Adocolour, which might be the same film. Stocking up...

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I think I have read of someone using a flat 3 volt lithium battery (like a large coat button in size/shape). The cell is one of the quarter-sized lithium batteries (quarter = U.S. 25-cent coin, for those reading abroad).


I think the battery is type 2450, 3 volt. Use it in one slot of the Reflex's battery holder and an old PX825 as a dummy cell in the other slot. If you don't have an old PX825, use a 2 or 3 coins to make up the difference in space or a wad of aluminum foil, etc. You might also have to put foil around the 2450 to make it stay in the battery holder.


I think the lithium 2450 battery is available in most drug stores and chain retail stores (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc.) in the U.S.


--Micah in NC

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Here in the UK we can still (just about) get hold of Solaris 126 - I have just ordered another 10 from Photo Supplies UK for my Instamatic 500 (such a sexy little beast and a good picture taker). I am hoping to do some home loading to keep the camera in use for many years to come.



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No more 126??? Well, that's sad news. I suppose it had to end sometime, though. I am down to my last roll from JandC. I think the $7+ Frugal charges is a bit steep, but maybe I'll stock up just the same. I probably won't be rollin' my own, I'll just retire the Reflex and 500 and use other cameras until the films for those become defunct as well.
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