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Do you always have your canon with you?


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I can't have my camera with me at work (company prohibition) and I don't like the digital P&S's because they tend to have small sensors and minimal creative control.


How crazy would it be to have a revised digital version of the Canon 7 (smaller though) made like the 5D or 30D (as far as build quality) with a good control layout, an APS sized sensor, maybe interchangeable lenses, and a price tag of maybe $1000-1200 (shirt pocket sized ideally). Maybe even real time digital image display. Would that be buildable? If so, would it be interesting to anybody as a backup?

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What Yakim and W T said. I'd guess that patient confidentiality violations might get you and your company sued -- maybe even suspected ones could have serious employment repercussions. Just the potential distraction alone, would be a compelling factor for me -- thinking photo instead of work. I suggest talking to your manager (if ok, get it in writing!) and your personal lawyer about it first. YMMV.


I live in the Southern Arizona desert, so leaving the camera(s) in the car is not an option for at least half of the year. Anyway, no, I don't carry my camera everywhere. I do carry a P&S digital when I think opportunities might arise but I don't want to carry the dSLR kit.

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I have a 5D and assortment of lenses for planned shoots, I carry a compact with me every day, either a Canon G7 or Ricoh GRD depending on my mood. I have learnt from my mistakes by not carrying a camera and now, I am always prepared for the right moment should it arrive - a compact is better than nothing, and both will fit in a jacket pocket.
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always in the car or on my person. in car it lives inside a cut out foam box in the passenger's seat. when it's left in car it's got a reflective silver cover top that fits over the foam box.


while driving, if i need to, i can pick it up at a moments notice and click away.

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