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Booked first Jehovah Witness wedding


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Well, It looks like we will be booking our first Jehovah Witness wedding and I

was wondering if there are any pitfalls we need to look out for, or even

better, what we are likely to expect. We want to respect the beliefs and

customs so we are studying what we can.


From what I've seen so far, Their weddings are pretty straight forward so I'm

not expecting anything that would make me concerned about doing a good job,

but I figure it can't hurt to check in with anyone whose done some.





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They have parties and celebrate weddings and anniversaries... but no b-day's. Basically flash

is o.k. and stay off the platform. There are no religious customs like lighting candles etc.

Bride goes down the aisle, father gives away the bride, vows are exchanged, rings are

exchanged, kiss the bride and the couple is introduced as Mr and Mrs. or Bro. and Sis.

(name). They go down the aisle ... done deal. Usually there is a reception line in the back of

the Kingdom Hall (church). What there isn't is rice throwing or throwing the bouquet. As for

receptions there are no toast to the couple. I hope this helps.

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Why in the world are you asking this forum?


I have not been doing weddings very long at all, but I have had a business long enough to

know that you need to communicate with your clients. They are the ones who hired you and

are the only ones who best know what they want and what is to be expected during the

event. Just discuss it with them openly like a professional. No big deal.

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JW weddings are like any other wedding. They are all different. The JW wedding I did last year was a blast. Great couple AND great party. There is nothing about the religion of JW that doesn't allow drinking. Many, though not all, are quite the party type!


Kingdom Halls are decorated only VERY VERY minimally. My couple wanted most of their shots outside around the hotel and only the ceremony at the Kingdom Hall. In their words, "the Hall is just plain ugly".


I will post some pics later.


Mike B

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It's been a while for me, but Kingdom Halls are are plain, with lots of fluorescent lighting. They are built fast and cheap, but functional. I would do lots of closeups, and overpower the lighting as much as possible. I don't remember lots of rules, in fact JW weddings are pretty simple and relaxed. Since they go to the Kingdom Hall 5 days a week, it's almost like a wedding at home for them.



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Thanks everyone. We are being upfront and have told them that we haven't done any JW weddings before. I was researching the ceremony and asking around in the spirit of professionalism.


I like to be prepared for each and every wedding. I always scope out a venue I haven't shot before, I like to become familiar with any aspects of different styles of weddings I haven't done before etc.


I will be discussing all of this with my clients on our next consultation, but I like to be prepared first. I not only want them to be confident with their choice, but I want to BE confident in my aproach also.


I'm looking forward to shooting a wedding that isn't a big, blown-out afair. The couple is really nice, fun to chat with, and it sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun to shoot.


Thanks again for all the feedback.



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Hey Dan,


As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I would be happy to answer any specific questions you might have. Just e-mail me.


Most of what was said here is true. The ceremony is very simple, walk down the aisle, talk (15-30 min), vows, rings, kiss, prayer, very simple. Plus there aren't any no flash rules which is nice. Definatly recommend doing pics outside. Halls are very simply decorated and the ligting is generally bad for photography. As far the reception goes, it should be fun! There will probably be lots of dancing, with the traditional husband/wife and father/daughter dances. There won't be a bouquet toss or a garter toss, and there will be minimal drinking, so no completely drunk guests or bridal party!! I wouldn't say there's anything you should worry about. It's probably a much easier job than most weddings.


By the way where are you located? I might know the couple.

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Bruce -

What's the reason for spreading hatred?


You obviously know very little about JW life and culture. Most of the things on the list are

complete BS told in a way to slander witnesses as much as possible and show them in the

worst possible light. I come here to learn about photography, not bigotry.




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It is a hate site and it is a misrepresentation of JW beliefs. Even if it wasn't, this still isn't the

place to spread your brand of bigotry and religious persecution. I believe in Freedom of

religion. If you don't, that's fine with me, but your holy war does not belong on a

photography site.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a link to a JW wedding i shot <a href="http://www.jrhimaging.co.uk/clients/davidandnaomi/index.html">David & Naomi</a>



And to the maturer views that have been expressed concerning the derogator sites posted in earlier replies, thankyou for not jumping to conclusions and having an open mind. </p>


<p> As a practising Jehovah's Witness, and one who is more intimately acquainted with the views and beliefs of Witnesses as i study them daily, the sites quoted are not an accurate view. www.watchtower.org is the offical site. Makes sense to go straight to the source.



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Well here I am a day late and a dollar short, but was out of town when this first posted. Hey Dan, the knowledge based constructive advice given to you is right on the mark. I'm sure by now you know to ignore the rest. It should indeed be a very stress free shoot, although you will have to make adjustments or color correct in post work for the possible fluorescent lighting, but it's not a big deal. I too am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and if you would like to see some shots which may reflect the shooting conditions you'll face I would be happy to share them with you. I too would like to hear how it went for you. I'm sure you will do a fine job, so enjoy! When is/was the wedding btw?
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  • 5 years later...

<p>A very interesting dicussion as I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and also a wedding photographer. Anyone who is shooting a JW wedding... relax! We're not that different from 'ordinary' people! ;)<br>

I agree with the other posters that light in Kingdom Halls is difficult for photos - take a good strobe. There are no toasts and no confetti at a Jehovah's Witness wedding, and there is often a lengthy wedding talk given in the Kingdom Hall by one of the congregation elders.<br>

If any Jehovah's Witnesses are looking for a brother to shoot their wedding, check my site! <p>

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