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I know there are topics on this but is it normal to get a smudge on the sensor

so soon? Its only been a month and I only have one lens(18-70mm). Ive tried a

wet cleaner and dry and still no luck. I know its a sensitive part and ive

been super careful but its getting annoying.

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I promise I read the FAQs and thats why I knew it wasnt anything to be afraid of. I also read I could clean it myself but I figured I would ask before I put anymore elbow grease into it. NO CLUE how it got there but I am guessing its snot/spit from the night before while I was cleaning the mirror.
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Just a thought...


Being that the camera is new and the spot is so large and you have tried to clean it, if you have any concerns, you might want to consider sending it to Nikon. They likely won't charge you and even if they do, it would be less costly than if you ruin the sensor. Again, just a thought.

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I had the same problem with my D70. Over a period of 18 months I accumulated several of those little spots (see pic - spot to the left of the lady's head on the far right side, and another above the lady in red on the left side). As someone already pointed out, those spots are dust, etc on the surface of your camera's sensor. Although some people would advocate cleaning the sensor yourself (and there are even kits/tools being sold now to facilitate this), I didn't want to touch it. So I took my camera to my local camera shop (Peace Camera in Raleigh, NC - great shop, btw). The guy behind the counter took it in the back and emerged 3 minutes later. All clean and clear.

Amazed, I asked what he did. He said he plugs the camera into its AC adapter, which changes the electric field on the sensor - essentially depolarizes it to the extent that the junk no longer wants to electrostatically cling to the sensor. The he uses his air compressor to blow the junk off. Normally, he said, using compressed air would create more spots because the junk would just fly around and stick to the sensor because the sensor has a slight charge. By plugging the unit in first, that charge is negated and the debris comes right off. Hope that helps. John

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Im not taking a scrub brush to the mirror or anything. It gets dusty and I gently wipe it off. Its barely showing up on a white wall im using for tests. Seems like it shows up darker when I take a picture of something in a dark area.
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Anthony, how is the mirror getting dusty if you only have one lens? You must be in some

hellaciously dusty environments or something. Or perhaps you're pointing the camera up

when removing the lens, which you shouldn't need to do since you only have the one


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Anthony, I'm not sure what you're saying. Everyone above has been telling you that it's dust on the sensor. "Find some DIY solution" - isn't that what the cleaning menthods mentioned are? FWIW, I have always had good luck with just a bulb blower to clean the sensor.
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yeah, take the lens off. Choose mirror-lock up in the menu and hit OK. Take a bulb blower and go to town (while holding the camera so the lens mount is facing down. Turn the camera off and the shutter will close. Reattach lens and give it a shot. I have never had to clean my sensor and I have gotten dust on it plenty.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Ok heres an update and apparently im screwed on the D50. Thats what I get for getting an open box "deal". I bought the warranty and was told the camera cant be fixed and will be getting a full refund. I talked to a photography instructor and I wont need a dslr for a couple of semesters. I need something temp any recommendations on a nice point and shoot? I really liked the D50's auto settings so something similar would be nice.
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