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Enlarger easel for V35

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Personaly I have found that a four blade easel works best with the

V35. This is because the enlarging head moves forward and backwards

as it is raised up and down and the 4 blade easel gives you a lot

more versatility. A 16 x 20 2 blade I had did not work well with this

enlarger. A Saunders 4 blade would be great, particularly the 'V

Track' model. I use a Photon Beard 4 blade easel but the height of

this easel, being so high (65 mm), has upset my autofocus function

because my column is right on the upper limit of adjustment.

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I use a beard 2 blade cos it is what came with the enlarger when I

bought it second hand. It is fine, I tend to print 8x12 these days on

9.5x12 paper which mean I miss the left hand border and right hand

border and then trim top and bottom. Why paper is not avaliable with

the 24x36 aspect ratio I do not know. Who the ......uses 8x10 without

trimming, I will not buy this size as I feel like I am supporting

some sort of conspiracy.....

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I don't use an easel at all.




I obtained a piece of plain white kitchen worktop about 3/4 cm thick

and glued to the underside a thin piece of aerated plastic - the

stuff that delicate computer bits are wrapped in. I then carefully

marked the white surface with the sizes I use, 5x7, 10x8, 12x16,

16x20 using a permanent black marker pen. Approximately twice a year

I spray the surface with 3M spraymount - very lightly. I have used

this system for 15 years and it has never failed. Before re-coating I

wipe the surface with white spirit to remove the old adhesive. the

result is that I can always see the whole of the paper and can print

right up to the edge.

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I use the Dunco 90/4 Profi easel. It's perfect for 12x16. Only

problem is that it is made for European paper sizes. It costs a bomb

but it is worth it. Only thing I've found better are these speed

easels from Ganz. I would love to have a speed easel that prints 8x12

on 12x16 paper, but they dont make this....

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