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revolving or rotating


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I just bought an Omega 45e. Can you please help and explain the difference

between rotating and revolving? Can you also tell me if I can use my Kodak

quick load holder and film with this back? I have an old calumet 400 something

which works fine with the holder. I just lift up the spring and put the holder


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Personally I like the term "rotating" to describe back orientation that can be changed while the back is still attached to the camera--rotation is what a planet does on its axis. "Revolving" is what one body does in an orbit around another--the Earth around the Sun--and seem less appropriate to the action of a camera back. "Reversible" is often used to describe backs that have to be removed from the camera to be reoriented.


Alan's advice to not trust advertising terms will make you a more satisfied shopper.

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