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Better Lenses than Canon?

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Hi Christopher, I'm not sure if it's still the case but on Photodo's independent lens rating site, for many years, the lens with the highest rating of *any* other - higher than Leica, Zeiss, Nikkor - anyone... was a Canon. For all I know, it still may be. I believe they were tested for MTF and LPM resolution. So despite what you may have heard, Canon is no slouch when it comes to making lenses.
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You can look at the Contax-N lenses, which can be converted to autofocus/autoaperture by conurus.com. Not weathersealed, and may not beat the excellent Canon 35L, and the price is definitely high.


For full weathersealing at 35mm and 50mm, I don't believe there are any options other than the Canon L zooms or the new 50mm L prime.

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In short, Canon makes some very fine 35-50mm lenses, especially if money is not an issue. Heck, in fact, Canon makes some amazing lenses longer than 50mm too. However, if you don't mind MF, then the Zeiss 50/1.4 is supposed to beat the pants off the Canon 50/1.4 wide open. Similarly, Leica and Zeiss are known to make better wides and ultra wides. Having said that, have you tried the 17-40L ? It is an excellent lens in almost anyone's standard....and has very fast AF. If you need more speed, then try the 16-35/2.8L, thoughI find the 17-40L sharper.
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<I>the Zeiss 50/1.4 is supposed to beat the pants off the Canon 50/1.4 wide open</i><P>


While they're obviously not the same speed, I doubt it'll beat the pants off the Canon 50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro, wide open. But the 50mm CM is getting a bit long in the tooth, so to speak. It doesn't have USM for example. However, optically, it's very tough to beat, especially for the money.<P>


I think that, if there is a "weak link" in Canon's lineup, it's at the wide-end. But one would probably have to go to Contax/Zeiss and dump a few grand, buy an adaptor and lose autofocus to get a lens that almost no one on the planet could tell you was used to take a given photograph.

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In that range? Only the Contax-N lenses with a conurus conversion. But that's simply because almost nobody makes 35-50mm primes for Canon other than Canon itself (the exception is the Sigma 50mm Macro lens, which does outperform Canon's underwhelming 50mm f2.5 Compact Macro)
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Regarding "Canon's underwhelming 50mm f2.5 Compact Macro", exactly what are you talking about? The price/performance ratio of this insanely sharp lens is off the chart. Other than lack of USM, I find little not to love about this jewel. Even without USM the focus is pretty darn snappy, just not quiet. Have you ever used one?
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>>the Zeiss 50/1.4 is supposed to beat the pants off the Canon 50/1.4 wide open<<


Tests I have seen give the edge to the Canon, overall.


Performance wide open is NOT the only consideration when buying a lens. Unless you plan to shoot at that aperture all the time...

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Regarding the 50 f/1.4: Yes, there are considerations other than wide open performance. One point to consider might be how long the lens can stay out of the trash can. From a production and quality control standpoint, the 50 f/1.4 must be one of the biggest sources of embarassment for the people at canon. It's an absolute piece of garbage that requires almost bi annual repairs and replacement. I have gone through 3. (Replacements that is: I'm not even counting repairs). I don't know if all the non-L series lenses are built so poorly, but I wouldn't buy one again.
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how long the lens can stay out of the trash can.


Hi John Krsmer, that`s interesting, I thought my problem with Sigma 15 30 was an odd thing, my repairer reckons I get a good run 1 every 12~18 months, the lens is hammered as a workhorse several times a week, generally 15~20000 pix it fails. What amount of work are you pushing to get the canon lens to fail,? I am considering the new 16 35, but I would expect at least 150~200k before service, please let us know why your canon lens has let you down



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Re: the reliability of the Canon 50/1.4, the clutchy, semi-micromotor/semi-USM nature of this lens -- and consequential feedback on this site -- caused me to steer clear of it when I was selecting my 50 four years ago. I opted for the 50/2.5CM instead. Even though it's a bit buzzy, and it's the only non-ring USM lens I own, I love this little gem.


Had Canon elected to produce a true ring USM 50/1.4 last year, even for an increased price of up to $400, I'd have added one to my kit. Instead, they came out with a $1,600 f/1.2L that is apparently only marginally superior (optically). I wonder how large the market is for the hyper-priced 1.2L, and if Canon wouldn't have generated much more revenue had they produced an updated 1/4, instead.

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