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Sample photos comparing Profoto regular UV dome vs UV -300K dome?


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hey guys,


i've got a 5 ft octobox and i'm researching a good way to warm up the light a

bit. with smaller softoxes it's easy, you can tape or clothes-pin a gel over

the front (or the inner baffle if it's workable for the type of shooting - not

too hot/hi-power). but with a huge box, what are the pros here on this forum

doing? you can answer this question and i'd be fine with that, but as well,

i'm leading you onto the topic of the question: has anyone using a Profoto

system tried the -300K UV glass domes, and has samples for comparing between

the regular UV dome and the -300K version?


thanks guys, look forward to your collective expertise,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Sam


I shoot with Pro-6 Packs with Bi-Tube heads and I use mainly an Elinchrome Octabank as key with a Beauty dish for fill or vice/versa. Using gels is WAY easier, faster and cheaper. Try a Lee 162 bastard amber. That'll do it. If you're shooting C-41 it does not matter anyhow. Thing is, as your bank facing ages it'll warm up all by itself. Plus you can adjust the color temp of the light +/- 300K via the pack.


My $.02.


Robb Scharetg


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Hi Robb,


Thanks for putting in another vote for the gels - yeah, I think from everyone I've talked to this is the way to go.


Steve's post suggested that the gels cold be bent into a dome shape - Robb are you also doing this, or are you gaffing/clothes-pinning onto an internal baflle, or some thing else?


And since you mentioned the the Profoto beauty dish - this is something I've put off trying, but have always been curious about trying. I may just need to rent that sucker and try it. Would you be able to describe the difference in the quality of light between the beauty dish vs a small octa? I assume it's just a slightly harder light, since it's a smaller, less diffuse source - just trying to understand why that dish over an softbox.


I also hear people talking about a ringflash with a beauty dish reflector, however looking at most photos in all the big fashion/beauty mags, I have yet to see anyone using a ring based on the catchlights. If anyone can comment on this here, I've love to know as well.


Thanks in advance for any further details!


Warm regards,



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