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Hi there! Basically it's just marketing! When you buy a camera kit there is a chance that it is your first camera and makers try to pull you to their own brand. The best way to do it is by giving you a nice price. People looking for a body only means they have their own equipment already. Maybe 1 or 2 bodies and 5 lenses. Because you have all this already you have to keep buying the same brand otherwise you have to buy everything again, therefor, you pay the price coz even if the body is expensive it is still cheaper than buying everything again. Does it make sence to you? Let's see what every one else says! Regards!
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And there are lots of people out there who advertize cheap and when you go to order the camera it is out of stock (permanently) and they try to switch you to something else. Orr they remove manufacturer supplied batteries, cards, neckstraps, and try to sell them as extras.


The final insult is when they ship you something you did not order, charge the credit card, and then they hope you will not pay to return ship it. Maybe even a restocking fee will have to be paid.


I think P-net has a section on retail experiences. I could name names but am hesistent for fear of having all this info deleted.

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And when one would be customer got wise and related his misfortune on a blog they called his boss to complaim, luckilly boss knew him as a good guy, they also theatened to take out a contract on him.

There are links to this on this site, somewhere :-)

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