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Normal on the 17-55 DX?


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<p>I just received this lens (purchased brand new from B&H) and was giving it a close examination. I noticed that on the inner, black velvety-colored ring there are minute glass or metallic like speckles/flecks on it. The pictures are great but still would like to know if other 17-55 DX owners have also seen this on theirs. I can only see it when the light hits it at a certain angle however.<br>

Here's are a couple of pictures of what I mean:<br>

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/mizuno9/008-3.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/mizuno9/005-2.jpg" alt="" /><br>

The lens itself is obviously immaculate..but it's the stuff on the inside on top of the velvety black ring that you see here. It really stands out as I used a flash, but normal lighting you have to slant it at the right angle to see it. As you can kinda see in the 2nd pic it is reflecting various colors..?</p>


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<p>If there is more on the inside in the workings or if what you see works lose and gets down in there it will act like sandpaper........ I bet Nikon would like to clean that up for you or replace it, but sense it is new B&H should swap it out. Thats what I would want.</p>


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<p><em>"... </em><em>It just has this crystallized looking surface on this black ring..like when you look at some graphite."</em><br /><br /> If it`s only on the black ring, I`d say is <em>"Schneideritis"</em>. If so, it is odd but I`d say it doesn`t affect picture quality, at least I don`t notice it.<br /><br /> Are you sure that it`s only on he black ring surface? Looking at the pics looks like somekind of coating oxidation, in all over the front element surface (the pic is out of focus... focus manually!!) :). I have also experienced this issue on any lens without any kind of problem. If so, I bet the lens has been, if not used, at least taken unsealed for a walk.</p>
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<p>Yes, it's only on that black ring surface. Sorry the picture was taken with the wife's P&S on macro to show this.<br>

I went to a local camera shop here in LA, Samy's. I checked out even their demo and rental 17-55 DX's and there was NO sign of this on theirs. I've sent it back to B&H for a replacement as I bought it new from them. Just something to look out for.</p>

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<p>Well done. Some Schneider lenses suffer from some kind of degradation in this black painted or glue areas, hence the name of "Schneideritis". Although it seems it doesn`t affect image quality at all, theoretically I`d say it could affect, perhaps in a negligible way, in contrast, or flare or whatever. I never noticed that, but I don`t have the shooting volume of a pro photographer or an expert.<br>

If you buy brand new, the lens must be in absolutely perfect condition, I believe.</p>

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