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Pentax P3 Macro Lens


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I have never heard of a lens called P3, but I have a P3n camera that will take and meter any K mount lens. It also with adapter takes screw mount lenses and meters in stop down manual. In all, I have nine Pentax lens, one non-Pentax screw mount, and four Leica screw mount lenses (for Macro), and they all work fine on my P3n body.
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The P3 is a camera. Pentax has made a whole range of macro lenses that will work on this

body, including 50mm and 100mm K and M lenses, and 50 and 100mm A lenses. Even the

more recent FA lenses will work. The current DA macro lenses are for digital only, and not for

this camera.



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Anthony, show us where you saw "Pentax P3 Macro Lens" and we'll help clear up the confusion. We are all pretty sure that the Pentax P3 is (was) a camera body, and most likely not a lens, macro or otherwise. There are numerous macro lenses that can be mounted to this body, as the other posters have noted.



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Haha I didnt say im looking for a lens called P3 Macro! I know what camera I have I just want to know what macro lenses I can get. It was something like this. Excuse my ignorance I know nothing of the slr accessories. Is there not a macro lens that screws onto the tip of a regular lens?





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Next time you ask a question, perhaps a little more information would be nice. That being said:


In addition to dedicated macro lenses like D-FA 50mm F/2.8 and 100mm F/2.8, to reduce minimum focusing distance and increase magnification you can:


1. use extension tubes, mounted between the lens and body

2. mount a 2nd lens (like a normal 50mm) reversed; there are adapters to allow the fronts of two lenses to couple via the filter threads

3. Use an add-on close-up lens


I think you're talking about #3, though convenient and relatively inexpensive, probably the worst of these four options from a quality standpoint. They are often produced by filter manufacturers such as B+W, and they install in the same manner. I think they can be stacked to combine magnification. I would be curious as to just how well these work. I suspect you are restricted to very close work in that when attached you are restricted to close focus only. Perhaps someone here has tried these...



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Anthony: Sorry, I didn't initially check your links. Those reversing rings are the adapters necessary to connect two lenses, coupled at the filter rings, with the second lens reversed; this is the method listed as #2 in my previous post.


Basically, you need to have two lenses with the same filter size (49mm is common among Pentax primes) and you couple them with that adapter.



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Yes. As I haven't done this myself, I don't have a lot of details. I suggest entering "reverse mounting lens for macro" into your favorite web search engine (or even search photo.net).


<P><A href=http://www.unswphotoclub.org/node/8?PHPSESSID=35fd3ea22d1a643f3023cd98f570bcc6>This is one site</A> I found that includes an explanation.



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